Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I want to share an ebook with you which is absolutely FREE.you can download the book COUNSELING FOR THE DUMMIES from the link below.This is a book suitable for the new learners as well as for the advanced level..so its a "must have" ..so allow me to present a small GIFT to you in the eve of this new year.


its in rar format..make sure you have winrar softwere installed...just click to the link above and you will be transferred to another page where you will be able to download it....enjoy

Saturday, December 24, 2011

2nd house: Aries/Mars Values

"Values provide perspectives in the best of times and the worst."

This is my second writeup on "Values" when a person has Aries or Mars influence in his /her second house.

Why our Values are second important resource that we have got after our  personal possessions and money can be read here through this link. It will give you an introduction of this post.

so lets see Aries/Mars Values:


you can read the article on Pisces/Neptune values here.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Emotional Expressions and Graphology


In my previous post Psychology and Graphology ,I discussed about the 3 ways by which we communicate.By talking,by using body languages or non verbal cues and by writing we express ourselves to the world.in Graphology there are many ways by which we can  find out our mode of self expression.Writing Slant is  one of the most important way to understand this.Before we go any further in to the slants,we should understand about the expression.

this expression we are talking about is our emotional expression.its all about  what people sense about us during the first meeting with us.the facial expression or the vibes can be understood by the slants.our emotions are very much related with our childhood experiences and the way we were treated or brought up in our childhood.the childhood lessons stays with us till the day we die and it works as a measuring scale by which we try to evaluate all our situations in our adult life.be it professional or social.in my previous post  I did mention that the first 12 years  of any child is very important when it comes to his / her environments and how he/she is treated by closed ones.it can break or make a child's future.first 12 years plays a major role in creating the bed rock of a child's self confidence and emotional health.hence naturally our slants can tell about out childhood experiences .although we often need other supporting cues from the other areas of the the sample we are analyzing.its true that even if a child gets a suitable environment and security ,some trumatic experience or turn of events can effect the way he writes.

in right hand side picture you can see the different examples of slants.the meaning of slant is , particular way by which a word is leaning in a particular direction.

in graphology we find slants A,B,C,D,E, and F.
A,B,C,D,E belongs to one group and F slant belongs to another group.

below we can see the  arrangements of the slants.

now lets see where these two groups of the slants falls.A to E slants falls from vertical to extrem right ward. and F falls withing vertical to extreme left ward of the picture below .

p,g,d,b,f,y,t,i these are some of the alphabets by which we can understand our slants. its quite easy to find out the majority of the slants  that are present in the handwriting.

you can see the picture in the left hand side.In order to determine the slant draw a line vertically across the alphabets (specially, p,g,d,b,f,y,t,i),Now find out the slant from the "emotional Chart".

lets go to the interpretation.

slant A
Visualize a person standing erect,calm and in total control of situation.A person who writes in A slant is always thinks before he acts.they can maintain their cool in any situation.this person will always have logic for his actions.they may not express their emotion readily.

slant B
visualize a person who is leaning a bit forward.this types of persons are warm friendly  and a smile on his face.he would love to socialize and attend parties.they interact with people but within a healthy limit.he can display a small levle of impulsiveness in his attitude.

Slant C
the writer has taken his first step of being impulsive.in this type of slants logic decreases and impulse takes over.these people are moody and often irresponsible.they act ,behave ,purchase ,thinks impulsively.

slant D
totally impulsive and uncontrollable.they may unburden themselves even in the presence of a stranger.

slant E
impulsiveness personified!! no logic at all...they smother people.

slant F
in this case emotions are repressed.they find it difficult to express their inner thoughts and even expects other people to understand them with out a word.very selective and selfish to some extent.insecure in nature.

the people who writes in multi-slants ,are very unpredictable in nature.

if you have B slant then you don't need to change it ,but C,D,F slants needs to be corrected. initially it can create a lot of resistance and impatience in mind of the writer but with persistent effort it can be changed.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

MUST have Resolutions

“Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.” 
Benjamin Franklin Quotes

people tend to make lots of resolutions at the beginning of a new year. for many reasons they cant keep it but some resolutions are meant to be kept forever.so lets refresh those resolutions..

This life is yours,
Take the power to choose what you want to do-and do it well,
Take the power to love what you want in life and love it honestly,
Take the power to walk in the forest and be a part of nature,
Take the power to control your own life,
No one else can do it for you,
Nothing is too good for you,
You deserve the best,
Take the power to make your life
Healthy, Exciting, Worthwhile and very Happy
-while you reach for your dreams.

Take time to smell the roses.
Take a nap on Sunday afternoon.
Drink 8 glasses of water a day.
Never deprive someone of hope. It might be all they have.
Be thankful for every meal.
Don't be afraid to say I'm sorry.
Don't take your health for granted.
Improve your performance by improving your attitude.
Listen to your children.
Leave everything a little better than you found it.
Keep it simple.
Keep good company.
Keep your promise.
Be kinder than necessary.
Take good care of those you love.
Make it a habit to do nice things.
Wear outrageous underwear.
Judge your success by the degree that you're
enjoying peace, health and love.
Be a good loser.
Be a good winner.
Be romantic.
Live so that when you your children think of fairness, caring
and integrity, they think of you.

Never refuse homemade foods.
Remember other people's birthdays.
Sing in the shower.
Don't nag.
Don't gossip.
Don't expect money to bring you happiness.
Be forgiving of yourself and others.
Never give up on anyone. Miracles happen every day.
Say thank you a lot.
Say please a lot.
Take your dog to obedience school. You'll both learn a lot.
Slow dance.
Don't rain on other people's parades.
Don't postpone joy.
Don’t blame others.
Take responsibility for every area of your life.
Take care of your reputation. It's your most valuable asset.
Count your blessings.
Marry only for love.
Do more than is expected.
Be there when others need you.
Never sell yourself short.
Never be ashamed of your patriotism.
Never be ashamed of honest tears.

live your life.. don't waste it.be optimistic.

Another Year: Another YOU

its hard to believe but 2011 has come to an end.so this is our last month to review the year and plan the year ahead. because " new year's day is every man's birthday- Charles Lamb".there are some short yet simple tips we can follow before we make any new resolutions.

1. First, REVIEW THE PAST. “Those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to
repeat it.”
The first step to changing the future is to acknowledge what already is. Ask good
questions about 2011. What did you learn? What worked well? What would you like to
repeat? What are you proud of? How did you grow, change or improve this year? How
about your relationships, your career, your lifestyle? How about your income, your health
and your hobbies? Ask good questions, and write down the answers.

2. Second, MAP THE FUTURE. I like the term “map” because this is not a dream, a
fantasy or even just a goal. What exactly would you like to change in 2012? Do you want
to increase your income? Lose weight? Improve some relationships, buy a new house,
change jobs?
Mapping the future requires that you balance optimism and ambition with a conservative
assessment of what’s possible. Remember, reality never lies. It’s unlikely that you can
change everything or do everything in one year. What are the specifics you really to want
to change in 2012? Ask good questions; write down the answers.

3. Third, GET A SYSTEM. I’m a huge believer in plans and budgets and strategies. If
you want to increase you income by 25%, you’ll probably have to make more sales, work
more hours or learn new skills. When (exactly) will you do this? If you want to lose ten
pounds, you’ll probably have to exercise more and eat less. Make a plan!
And get plenty of support. Surround yourself with reminders, books, tools and equipment
that automatically move you in the direction you want to go.
Get a coach. Make sure your family, friends and
colleagues know exactly what you want to achieve, and make sure they support you
every step of the way.

The start of a new year is a wonderful time to take stock, adjust course and affirm your
priorities, but it doesn’t happen by accident. Take time to review. Take time to plan and
develop your system. And get the support you’ll need.

In order to achieve any and every goal, you simply
need to answer these 3 questions.
"In order to achieve my goal....
1. What do I need to STOP doing?
2. What do I need to START doing?
3. What do I need to DO MORE OF?"

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How to Deal: Ascendant Square Pluto

One person with passion is better than forty people merely interested.”
– E. M. Forster,
English Novelist

  1. Power and dominance are the themes that are often important to you.you  are likely to  appear like a control-freak.you have a fear of getting dominated by others , that's why you try to dominate others in turn .Don't be that insecure about your own power.Your power leaves you only when you give it to others,not before that.so don't get paranoid that everyone is looking for a chance to possess you or "rule" over your life.
  2. you have a powerful impact on people around you.something magical and invisible which leaves them either attracted and fascinated towards you,or totally horrified .you may not be even aware of such personal power that you display.become more self aware.watch your body language  because  most of the time  its in "don't mess with me" mode.
  3. you might find it difficult to communicate with all those "shallow" people ,who are so worthless that you  often feel like crushing them like insects.As if  there is nobody who can understand you.its not the case in reality.there are thousands of people who are naturally friendly and willing to spend some quality time.you need to be more open hearted to find such peoples. don't scare people off by your involuntary display of Intensity. don't intemidate people,it may make you lonely in turn.
  4. Luck may not be on your side until you channelize your volcanic energies into something productive .make sure all your energies goes in to something which has a  positive end.if you use it for your selfish gain it may backfire.never use underhanded,cunning tactics,it might hurt others who are closely associate with you.
  5.  you often run into troubles with the authority figures.learn to take orders before you become the man who gives orders.that is the eternal rule of life.no shortcuts.
  6. don't act ruthless,revengeful and aggressive with others or with your partner. don't become  too demanding  or irrational  of yourself or others.going deeper in to some matters are good but baseless suspicion or probing into somebody's privacy can make you unpopular.manipulating your partners is not a good idea.love under pressure is not  love at all.
  7. your destructive attitude should get a positive channel of outlet.enroll in a club like martial art or boxing where you will get  to know how to use your power constructively.
  8. to become more calmer,practice yoga or get in to habit of writing diary.it might help you ventilate your pent up emotions and energies.to get rid of aggressiveness and anger,you might consult a grafotherapist.
  9. learn to "let go" things,which are not working for you,or relations which are beyond repair.be rational.you will grow.your stubbornness can be your downfall.
  10. use your determination,persistence and conviction for the worthy causes.live for others.politics,secret agent,healing, finance, business these are the some of the fields that might attract you.
  11. you want to "win" no matter what.you understand peoples' motives so good that ,you often manipulate.if you do that for winning,it can serve the purpose momentarily,but when you will prob to the core of the matter ,you will find that ,your manipulation skill was the thing which won..not you.your capability and competence should have won people .its not being honest with yourself.you better try pursuation rather than coercion to get what you want.
  12. practice forgiveness.only spiritually powerful people can forgive others.before you forgive others ,forgive yourself.accept yourself.
  13. voicing radical  opinions may seem rude to others. you enjoy extremities.you love to "shake up the system". practice detachment.
  14. don't try to remake others .change yourself for others.
  15. acknowledge your failings.

settle your inner conflict.

guard against paranoia,compulsion, addiction,obsession.

regeneration is your gift.

heal yourself

you invite conflict out of nowhere.

stay away from explosives and fire arms.

evaluate your sex-life.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

are you irrational?

Rational -Emotive Therapy (RET) is based on the concept of faulty or irrational thought patterns.this theory was propounded by ALBERT ELLES in 1960 who believed that emotional disturbances are the end product of irrational and illogical thinking.Many irrational thinking not only creats blockages inside our minds but often forms  the bedrock of many nurotic disturbances.

Many of these thought pattrns are injected into us from the childhood .either its the part of the whole up bringing process or the values of the culture where we belong to.These types of experiences often sends wrong mesages to our subconscious mind.According Dr.Joseph Murphy ," when ever subconscious mind accepts an idea,it immediately begins to execute it.its uses all its mighty resources to that end". So its imaginable that what kind of thought patterns are we likely to have.  Rememebr ,our thinking makes what we are.so its advisable to evaluate the heatlh of our thoughts .

THINKING>>>Repeated thinking>>>ACTION>>>repeated action>>>HABIT>>>repeated habit>>>CHARACTER.

From the self-help form below,you will able to judge your thoughts.Use it when ever possible,especially when caught between emotionally disturbing situation.this form will help you to sort out things effectively.it can be used to help others to sort out their emotional problems too.its easy to use.

where you can use this easy technique?
*when ever you see yourself ,your family, your friends frequently makes impossible , perfectionistic statements about themselves and others.
*when ever you want to make a realistic ,, open-minded  positive decisions.

step 1
list and describe the activating events,thougts,feelings that happend just before you felt emotionally disturbed or acted in some self -defeating way.

step 2
look at the descriptions of events ,thought or feeling and examine them for irrational beliefs.examples: 
I MUST do well or very well.
I am BAD or WORTHLESS person when I act weakly or stupidly.
I must be approves or accepted by the people whom I find important.
Other people MUST live up to my expectations or it is TERRIBLE.
its AWFUL or HORRIBLE when major things do not go my way.
I CANT STAND IT when life is really unfair.
if you have any ADDITIONAL IRRATIONAL BELIEFS,write it down too.

 step 3
how did you feel after the fact ,event , behavior? what did you do to produce it? how would like change?

step 4
look at the irrational beliefs and then challenge it,examples:
Why MUST I do well so very well?
Where is written Thant I am a BAD or WORTHLESS person?
Where is the evidence that I MUST be approved or accepted?

 step 5
Now replace the Irrational beliefs,Examples:
I would prefer to do well,but I don't HAVE TO BE perfect
I am a person who acted badly ,but I am not a BAD or WORTHLESS person.
There is no evidence that I HAVE TO BE approved or accepted although I would like to be...

step 6
then make the following commitment :
"I will work hard to repeat my effective rational belief forcefully to myself on many occasions so that I can make myself less disturbed now and act less self-defeating in future"

this self help form will make you more positive and realistic about your approach of life in every sector.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Our Subconscious Mind

Your subconscious mind does not argue with you. It accepts what your conscious mind decrees. If you say, "I can't afford it," your subconscious mind works to make it true. Select a better thought. Decree, "I'll buy it. I accept it in my mind."

I have just finished reading the book called ,"The power of your subconscious mind" by Dr.Joseph Murphy.Its always been the bestseller in the self-improvement genre.This book has inspired me a lot  and taught me how to look for things ,inside our mind instead outwards.the approach of the book is quite inspirational yet very practical.

I remember my "educational psychology "classes from collage days.where we learnt about the Freud's  psychoanalytical theory.subconscious mind is the reservoir of feeling,thoughts that are outside of our conscious awareness .According to Freud ,the subconscious continues to influence our behaviors and experience even though we are unaware of these underlying influences.It is the largest  part of our mind whereas conscious mind is the smallest part.All our thinking ,all our experiences and our primitive urges and longings are stored inside our subconscious mind.In a word we never forget anything... we just recall those facts when we need. Thus our subconscious is like a never ending space where everything is stored which has made us "us",it has all the "data".it has all the answers too.

We often don't give our subconscious mind its due credit. some of  functions of our subconscious mind are ..
its a loyal friend.our subconscious is the non-critical, non-analytical aspect of our mind--though we often judge ourselves with our conscious mind .The realm of the subconscious is where our heart lies. When it comes to a battle of the minds, the subconscious mind will almost always win out. The Creative Level of Mind within the subconscious is the creative, imaginative part of our mind.it has all the higher wisdom-it has all the answers.
Our subconscious mind records all events that occur within the field of our awareness; all thoughts and feelings about those events; all memories; and records meanings our conscious mind assigns to those events. Our subconscious mind has a library filled with all our thoughts; feelings; memories; and belief systems from our life experiences—all neatly categorized. Our powerful subconscious automatically carries out for us all of the habitual behavior of our mind and body-Our magical subconscious regulates all involuntary functions of the body.  The subconscious mind breathes us; circulates the blood throughout our body; heals us when we are sick or injured; and is in charge of digestion and elimination.
our conscious mind is our only world,thats what we believe in .we never go deep within to find out the  basics of our reality.one's reality is never same as the others.this differences in realities are determined by our subconscious mind.

self hypnosis or positive self talk in front of the mirror is nothing but injecting "suggestions" to our subconscious mind. Because our subconscious mind is highly suggestible.this same suggestion-technique is used in behavioral thereapy to cure unwanted behavior .In my pervious posts I have expalined the role of our subconscious mind in our handwriting. the articles on how subconscious thought patterns influence our hand writting and our character can be read here.

so subconscious mind is an important "key" of our well being.it guides us in form of intuition or the gut feelings.it helps us to visualize things and it shows us dreams at night,which are full of "clues".subconscious mind asks nothing in return-only the faith unto ourselves.

how can we use this  power in our life?

Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you 
imagine and at last you create what you will.-Bernard Shaw

According to Dr.Murphy " when ever subconscious mind accepts an idea,it immediately begins to execute it.its uses all its mighty resources to that end". he also mentioned that when ever you try to force your subconscious mind to do something for you,you will fail.so how do you give suggestions to your subconscious mind? 

all we need to  do is to relax. here is the link of relaxation technique. then visualize all those things which you wish to accomplish. make the pictures vivid and real.hear voices ,see gestures.this will keep you motivated and push you towards your dream.there is another way,by which you can impress upon your subconscious mind.when you are relaxed ,you can repeat some positive statements regarding your wish,like you believe in it and mean it from the core of your heart.

some of our real negative traits and habits can be overcome by the help of subconscious mind.like smoking and other substance abuse, fears,resentments, mental blockage etc. A therapist has all the capability to help us get out of such mess but  still we need some extra push ,which can only be supplied by our subconscious mind.we can easily self-sabotage ourselves by mouthing repeated negative thoughts.never ever do it!!

we all strive for success. success is all about successful living.when you are full of peace and happiness,doing what you love to do , maintaining meaningful relationships then only you are successful . remember negative things take place first in the mind,then in the reality.like wise positive things can also take place in the mind,if you want .. choice is yours.so be careful before you ask anything..it might come true!!

have a nice day.

here is link of a blog post where you will find some subconscious mind quotes.

Monday, November 28, 2011

know your perfume

I wish to share this ....

Fragrances are generally classified as Perfume/Parfum, Eau de Parfum (EDP), Eau de Toilette (EDT), Eau de Cologne (EDC) depending on the level of concentration of perfume oil in them. It is this concentration of perfume oil also that indicates the duration of time for which the fragrance will remain on the skin before evaporating completely.

20% to 40%
6 – 9 hours
Eau de Parfum (EDP)
10% to 20%
5 – 7 hours
Eau de Toilette (EDT)
5% to 10%
4 – 6 hours
Eau de Cologne (EDC)
3% to 5%
1 – 3 hours
Application of perfumes
Generally, to be applied on the pulse points behind the ears, on the wrist and on the chest and neck.

Men/Women Fragrances
Generally, women’s fragrances consist of Parfums, EDP’s & EDT’s whereas men’s fragrances are generally EDT’s & EDC’s.

Fragrance Notes
Every fragrance consists of a set of 3 notes each with individual properties:

  • Top notes: It  is the first scent you smell after applying a fragrance which gives a person an almost instant idea of the type of fragrance. However the top notes are quite light and last only for a short while. They are usually fruity or citrusy scents.
  • Middle notes: The scent of a perfume that emerges once the top notes evaporate in the air. They are considered the heart of the fragrance. They are heavier than top notes and linger for a longer time. They are usually floral or spicy notes.
  • Base notes: The scent of a perfume that arises as the middle notes start to fade. They leave a lasting impression as they last on the skin for the longest time. They are usually woody or musky notes.
Fragrances Families
    Citrus is a clean tangy aroma made up of citrus fruits such as: orange, grapefruit, bergamot, mandarin and lemon.
    Soft sea breezes.
    Green fragrances are described as the scent of sharp fresh crushed leaves and fresh cut grass.
    The fragrance of fresh cut flowers, from a single lily or rose to a full bouquet.
    Soft, gentle, powdery, floral aldehydes blended with nature's wild flowers.
    The subtle sweet spicy notes from orange flowers and sparkling aldehydes.
    Soft heady flowers, amber, spices and sensual incense.
    Vanilla, musk, night-blooming flowers and subtle oriental resins.
    Potent scented woody fragrances such as: patchouli and sandalwood with rich oriental notes.
    Forest notes of oakmoss, woods and citrus.
    Dry resins, hints of tobacco leaves and cedar make for a hypnotic dry fragrance.
    Sensual contradicting warm and cool notes of lavender, citrus, sweet spices and oriental woods.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

glasses to pen-stands

this weekend I was in a mood of  adding something beautiful to my little world.I was looking for something which could be accomplished within short time and with  few steps.
I have lots of lots of stray pens.I had to organize them one day.day by day my brush-collections were increasing too.So this time I thought to do something for my pens and brushes!!

Few weeks earlier ,while my mom was clearing up the kitchen ,she found two glasses with a thin crack in them.she put it aside to throw it away...I thought this is my only chance to recycle them .so I decided to turn them in to pen-stands or brush -holders.At first I thought to use glass paints,since I  did not want the cracks to show.but then I did this with the help of some colored ribbon.

see the picture>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

with the help of glue gun and some golden 3D liner I turned those two cracked glasses in to  my pen-holders.this same thing can be done with the flower-vases too.

hope you will like it.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

recipe : cold porcelain

Hi friends

I was requested to post the recipe of the cold porcelain by some craft enthusiast.As promised I am writing this post for them.The thing is,I am not a pro either.I have just discovered the wonders of the cold porcelain.cold porcelain  dough can be bought from the market,there are many branded dough….like hobby ideas and  now some Chinese companies are also coming up with  cold porcelain dough in a very competitive price…the good things about these ready made doughs is ,you don’t need to add colours and it has even textures which adds a special look in your every cold porcelain crafts.

The post where I added some snaps of my first cold porcelain project got attention of my fellow crafters.thank you .since it was my first project I was willing to try the home made recipe..and honestly I guess,the cost was much lower than the dough that are available in the market.
of course it will take much practice to give the finish of a factory made dough….but  should not  it be the aim of  all craft artist?

Before I describe the recipe.I would like to thank Helan Shanta Kumari who was kind enough to teach me the recipe.she is a housewife and craft is her passion..she has a blog where she showcased her cold porcelain creations….I liked her work very much…thank you verymuch  Helan.

Here's how you make the dough
Corn flour -- 1 cup

fevicol or white gum -- 1 cup

glycerin -- 1 tsp

lime juice -- 2 tsp

zinc oxide powder - 1/2 tea spoon

mix all the things in a frying pan and keep the flame at its minimum. stir continually and eventually it will become as chapatti dough.

At this point remove it from the heat and mix  any oily moisturizer with the dough  by your hand like parata dough.

 keep it in an air tight box or cover  it for 15 mins. 

if possible seperate the dough in to small balls to mix colors as per the requirement -- use acrylic colrs / fabric colors.

Avoid mixing pearls colors as they wont be bright, you can use pearl colors when finishing touch is given.

After completing the desired object 
varnish the entire thing so that after a long time you can even wash the object.

If you have any querries please  write to me.

here is the link of my first cold porcelain project
Here from this vedio you can learn to make your first cold porcelain roeses.dont forget to send your pictures to me.


Sunday, November 6, 2011



This a "Welcome" Wall-hanging.I have yet to find a place to hang this.This was my First attempt to make such things..so please comment.

thank you for visiting.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

2nd House:Pisces/Neptune Values

"Values provide perspectives in the best of times and the worst."

When it comes to choosing a career ,we often consult our 2nd house,which is generally known as our money-house.But 2nd house is also about our values.It plays a major role when it comes to choosing a career and also in retaining it.

Values are belief ,ideas, elements of life that 
are most important to us. when our values and 
the way we lead our life is in syncrony ,then 
only we are truly happy.

If you know your values,then you know 
yourself, inside out.Its one of the first step any 
man can take to self-discovery.Our values makes us what we are today.There is a need to 
understand what our values are because they acts as an internal compus which guides our life
to the fulfillment.they shows us the way we ought to choose our life.Its very much action oriented.Values are not "what we say" ,its all about "what we do".what we do with our lives.

Values are psychological elements .We cant see them,but we pursue them throughout our life subconsciously.They plays an important role in determining what type of life style we are going to have .

2nd house says "I like this...this gives me pleasure",because its also associated with our senses.Its the house of self -worth.your values gives you that sense of self-worth and self-esteem.its the house of your talents,ability and innate characteristics which  other people  recognizes as your values.the more value you give your self ,the more others will value you.if we concentrate to develop or nurture those talents or abilities,then it can be exchanged for money.
look at the house cusp of your second house.this will tell your attitude towards your talents,values and personal resources.

Pisces preaches "I Believe"

so Believing or having Faith is the most important thing,with Pisces 2nd house cusp.People with Pisces influence in their 2nd house should cultivate faith on themselves.This believing
is their Value.

Here I wish to give a list of Values, these people might have.


other than these,ability to see big picture and Film / music can play an important role.

God bless.

Value Added

"Every time a value is born , existence takes on a new meaning;every time one dies ,some part of that meaning passes away"

I don't know how many people gets time to evaluate and re-evaluate their values time to time on their own ,but this time I did.And what I discovered was ,MY VALUE=WHAT I AM.Since our childhood  every people ,with whom we ever came in to contact, taught us some thing,every experience weather it was bad or joyful taught us something..Then as our world expanded we were again taught directly or indirectly by clubs where we joined , social groups where we volunteered,or collage/ universities where we studied.

By the time we were adults ,we were bombarded with many value systems and opinions from different quarters.We had thought that we have  sound values but in reality we never delved in to our core to discover our  sets of  core values,what makes us "us".

what is value?

"value is what you get"

values are belief , ideas, elements of life that are most important to us. when our values and the way we lead our life is in syncrony ,then only we are truly happy.

If you know your values,then you know yourself, inside out.Its one of the first step any man can take to self-discovery.Our values makes us what we are today.There is a need to understand what our values are because they acts as an internal compus which guides our life to the fulfillment.they shows us the way we ought to choose our life.Its very much action oriented.Values are not "what we say" ,its all about "what we do".what we do with our lives.

Values are psychological elements .We cant see them,but we pursue them throughout our life subconsciously.They plays an important role in determining what type of life style we are going to have .One myth about value is " once values are set, that's it,they don't change",but the truth is "values don't change ,they evolve."

how to know what your values are?

there are lots of "list of values" ,which can be found all over the net.You will find various types of values like work values,social values ,personal values etc.All these are equally important in our life.Recognizing your values from a long list  can be tricky.Its common to get confused between our "values" and a " should".


some of these tips are worth remembering when you are about to find your values.

1.When you consult a list of values or brainstorm about your values, you should remain flexible and open.You will feel  as if your were looking for this particular word.It might or might not go with the sets of values you  believed that you have.This can give you an important clue of your present or future life.great tool of self discovery!!

2.Look for the values which are similar  to "what you do".

3.Look for the values which makes you the happiest.For which your are proud of yourself.Which creates an excitement in your mind .

4.Find out the regrets that you have in your mind Can you think of  any thing you wished to do badly,willing to give anything just to get a chance.

5.Does this make you feel good about yourself.

6.Does it sound like"yes,its part of me".

7.Try to observe and take a mental note about the things you are drawn to,indeffernt about ,or repelled by.Then try to find out what are the things that are common in the "drawn-to" cluster,"indifferent-to" cluster  or "repelled by" cluster

8.Ask "Why" after every values that you think you have .

9.What are things you  are confident about?

10.What gives you a sense of purpose?

11.What relaxes you?

12.What do you visualize or think often?

13.Where do you spend or wish to spend your money most?

14 What gives you energy.

" values provide perspectives in the best of times and the worst"

Values gives us sense of self worth and builds our self esteem. Design your life and work according to your sets of values.this is the only way of getting fulfillment.
"its not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are"


Friday, November 4, 2011

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