Saturday, December 10, 2011

Another Year: Another YOU

its hard to believe but 2011 has come to an this is our last month to review the year and plan the year ahead. because " new year's day is every man's birthday- Charles Lamb".there are some short yet simple tips we can follow before we make any new resolutions.

1. First, REVIEW THE PAST. “Those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to
repeat it.”
The first step to changing the future is to acknowledge what already is. Ask good
questions about 2011. What did you learn? What worked well? What would you like to
repeat? What are you proud of? How did you grow, change or improve this year? How
about your relationships, your career, your lifestyle? How about your income, your health
and your hobbies? Ask good questions, and write down the answers.

2. Second, MAP THE FUTURE. I like the term “map” because this is not a dream, a
fantasy or even just a goal. What exactly would you like to change in 2012? Do you want
to increase your income? Lose weight? Improve some relationships, buy a new house,
change jobs?
Mapping the future requires that you balance optimism and ambition with a conservative
assessment of what’s possible. Remember, reality never lies. It’s unlikely that you can
change everything or do everything in one year. What are the specifics you really to want
to change in 2012? Ask good questions; write down the answers.

3. Third, GET A SYSTEM. I’m a huge believer in plans and budgets and strategies. If
you want to increase you income by 25%, you’ll probably have to make more sales, work
more hours or learn new skills. When (exactly) will you do this? If you want to lose ten
pounds, you’ll probably have to exercise more and eat less. Make a plan!
And get plenty of support. Surround yourself with reminders, books, tools and equipment
that automatically move you in the direction you want to go.
Get a coach. Make sure your family, friends and
colleagues know exactly what you want to achieve, and make sure they support you
every step of the way.

The start of a new year is a wonderful time to take stock, adjust course and affirm your
priorities, but it doesn’t happen by accident. Take time to review. Take time to plan and
develop your system. And get the support you’ll need.

In order to achieve any and every goal, you simply
need to answer these 3 questions.
"In order to achieve my goal....
1. What do I need to STOP doing?
2. What do I need to START doing?
3. What do I need to DO MORE OF?"

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