Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Emotional Expressions and Graphology


In my previous post Psychology and Graphology ,I discussed about the 3 ways by which we communicate.By talking,by using body languages or non verbal cues and by writing we express ourselves to the world.in Graphology there are many ways by which we can  find out our mode of self expression.Writing Slant is  one of the most important way to understand this.Before we go any further in to the slants,we should understand about the expression.

this expression we are talking about is our emotional expression.its all about  what people sense about us during the first meeting with us.the facial expression or the vibes can be understood by the slants.our emotions are very much related with our childhood experiences and the way we were treated or brought up in our childhood.the childhood lessons stays with us till the day we die and it works as a measuring scale by which we try to evaluate all our situations in our adult life.be it professional or social.in my previous post  I did mention that the first 12 years  of any child is very important when it comes to his / her environments and how he/she is treated by closed ones.it can break or make a child's future.first 12 years plays a major role in creating the bed rock of a child's self confidence and emotional health.hence naturally our slants can tell about out childhood experiences .although we often need other supporting cues from the other areas of the the sample we are analyzing.its true that even if a child gets a suitable environment and security ,some trumatic experience or turn of events can effect the way he writes.

in right hand side picture you can see the different examples of slants.the meaning of slant is , particular way by which a word is leaning in a particular direction.

in graphology we find slants A,B,C,D,E, and F.
A,B,C,D,E belongs to one group and F slant belongs to another group.

below we can see the  arrangements of the slants.

now lets see where these two groups of the slants falls.A to E slants falls from vertical to extrem right ward. and F falls withing vertical to extreme left ward of the picture below .

p,g,d,b,f,y,t,i these are some of the alphabets by which we can understand our slants. its quite easy to find out the majority of the slants  that are present in the handwriting.

you can see the picture in the left hand side.In order to determine the slant draw a line vertically across the alphabets (specially, p,g,d,b,f,y,t,i),Now find out the slant from the "emotional Chart".

lets go to the interpretation.

slant A
Visualize a person standing erect,calm and in total control of situation.A person who writes in A slant is always thinks before he acts.they can maintain their cool in any situation.this person will always have logic for his actions.they may not express their emotion readily.

slant B
visualize a person who is leaning a bit forward.this types of persons are warm friendly  and a smile on his face.he would love to socialize and attend parties.they interact with people but within a healthy limit.he can display a small levle of impulsiveness in his attitude.

Slant C
the writer has taken his first step of being impulsive.in this type of slants logic decreases and impulse takes over.these people are moody and often irresponsible.they act ,behave ,purchase ,thinks impulsively.

slant D
totally impulsive and uncontrollable.they may unburden themselves even in the presence of a stranger.

slant E
impulsiveness personified!! no logic at all...they smother people.

slant F
in this case emotions are repressed.they find it difficult to express their inner thoughts and even expects other people to understand them with out a word.very selective and selfish to some extent.insecure in nature.

the people who writes in multi-slants ,are very unpredictable in nature.

if you have B slant then you don't need to change it ,but C,D,F slants needs to be corrected. initially it can create a lot of resistance and impatience in mind of the writer but with persistent effort it can be changed.

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