Sunday, September 11, 2011

Boost your MI

"The key to keeping your balance is knowing when you've lost it."-unknown

Few days ago I planned to take a Multiple Intelligence test,just to make sure if my chosen career goes  along with my skills-sets.Its one of the most popular test among teachers and career -counselors. a wonderful way to find out your the most dominant mode of intelligence.You must be thinking , what did I mean by the "most dominant" .

The dictionary meaning of the word Intelligence is:
The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
it has been found that people have different kinds of intelligence rather than one single mental ability, This theory was introduced by Howard Gardner In the year of 1983.He explored various forms of expressions of intelligence available to cognition.According to him the Multiple Intelligences are:

A person might be particularly strong in few areas.This will show the strength and weak areas of your Intelligence.Once you understand your weakness,you should work on that area to boost it up.Howard Gardner claims that all MI can be nurtured and strengthen or ignored and will find the test from this link below:

In my case my Visual-spatial intelligence is most strong.which means I am good with visualizing things.I enjoy reading  and writing,I am good at putting puzzles together,good at interpreting pictures,graphs and charts,I enjoy drawing and painting. visual art,I can recognize patterns easily.My potential careers are : architect,artist ,engineer etc.

the things I have written so far is not unknown. Being good at one field is not bad .It might help you to achieve the highest success .but as the quote in the beginning goes,balance is everything we are struggling to achieve and retain.Anything in extreme will lead us to imbalance and an imbalanced life is never happy.Day in and day out we struggle to be normal. Being a genius in one field of life wont help us solve every problems which will arise from different sectors of the life.Being good at visual-spatial intelligence doesnot mean I don't need to be good at interpersonal skills or mathematical / logical none of these skills are unimportant when it comes to everyday life.we have to consciously develop these skills which we lack.A bit of concentration and patience will help us excel in the other fields which will at the end make our intelligence strong.we will able to tackle anything with such strong intelligence.

lets see some of the ways we can develop our MI:
play word games
solve cross word puzzles
read books or magazines daily*
read fairy tales
listen to the language of the songs*
help some one with the writing project
learn new word everyday*
write emails or letters*
try using new words in every conversation*

when shopping,try to calculate the bill before cashier
try Sudoku
try maths
avoid using calculators*

learn how to use computer graphics application
look at the collection of famous photographs and ask your self what has made them famous
tell a story using pictures only
think to redecorate your room, start with drawing the pictures*
design a business card*
learn to paint*
use emoticons in your email*

body -kinesthetic
learn to dance*
try any sport
anything to do with body muscle

call friends on their birthday and sing HAPPY BIRTH tune over the phone
sing in the kitchen ,shower,car*
be aware of the immediate enviornment you go*

go to zoo
get in to re-using ,recycling garbage
observe color combination in the nature-try to dress according to that color
watch nature show in the television*
visit websites and address's of environmental concern
do something for animals

interpersonal skills
introducing yourself to others
thanks people in stores,banks,wish them a good day*
watch your body language
when you feel emotional try to express it in a non threatening way
learn conflict mediation
communicate non verbally
group discussion

intrapersonal skills
decide a simple rule for today ,end of the week,moth and write it down-achieve it*
random acts of kindness-in helping some one out
do some thing different for yourself(change the hair color,re arrange  the apartment,change a habit)*
be a mentor to some body
read article about self healing or self improvement*
read about  your dream job and be proactive to move towards that*
live in the moment*
spend quite time with your self and think about the the day and what you learnt and what opportunities  you have lost.

* I am practicing these things whenever possible.

"use your head-I did!"


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