one meets his destiny often in the road he takes to avoid it- French proverb
Hello reader
greetings for the day!!
I am very happy to find you in this page, because this page might hold the key features of my awaited destiny.And if it does,I will be very happy to share it with you.
Actually,I might be seeking an invisible validation for my new found path of destiny by writing this article.In my point of view, destiny and life purpose are the same thing.To me, life purpose- this phrase does not merely describe my aim which I have been nurturing from my school life.It has more profound meaning ,which cant be found in a dictionary..so never waste your time on a search engine or a library.Because the meaning will find YOU.
Once it finds you,you will know your destiny or the life purpose.Then it might become THE RIGHT-PURPOSE because, at this time you will see that your fulfillment,happiness,work and,may be earnings are in harmony.As the above quote goes,your destiny will find you no matter which road you choose to travel in order to avoid it. This right-purpose might not be so easy and rosy ,but here some body has said ..
"Do not be afraid of the future; master it by linking your mind with time, which represents your past, present, and future, and learn to create your future as you wish it. This is your birthright."
The easiest way to find it is by looking at your NODES.(north node and south node)
"The North node placement is the direction the soul needs to take in this life for further evolution. This does not mean to turn away from the past, but to incorporate the useful aspects of the South node placement into the future. Any contact between the nodes, north or south, directly affects the entire nodal axis and both houses and signs in which they are placed. "
let me tell you my story:
South Node can tell you about your past life also...
I have SN in SAG ,11th house.I had a past life where my environment was purely religious and something to deal with higher philosophy,foreign land or higher education mixed with futuristic thinking-hopes,wishes-humanitarian ,social environment, acting for the sake of others.
I might have been some clargy man/ religous woman who gave his/her services for the society.I did some humanitarian work,or used to be a preacher or a teacher.The ruler of my SN is Jupiter which is in SAGI and situated in the 10th house conjuncted with Uranus.Some possible meaning could be:In this life I am fond of higher study.In the past I might used to be a social reformer ,or a person who used to be in front of the Public eye.
south node is my past ,rather you can say I have a lots of knowledge or inclination to do things related to which I have mentioned above.
In this present life my south node which is heavy with my past karma, is trying to attract me.Its the same thing as a scale.Visualize a scale. Which plate is heavy ,the scale will always try to trip towards that side.
I always liked social work,so in current life, I joined an NGO,which has been doing work related to educating people about some social situations.The bottom line is I did the most predictable thing which I have been doing for my past lives.Our south node always pulls us towards our past.
Now the question is why I would do the same thing again and again? wont it make me tired?
It did.I never felt that fulfilment which a right-purpose ought to give me.something went on eluding me...
some of the things my south node made me do:
>social work
>higher study
>dealing my friends' as my brother-sisters-as if they are my family. etc..
this is the first part of my story...
In the second part ,I will tell you,what did my North node tell me to do....
see you.
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