Wednesday, August 14, 2013

quotes from the books

Carmen hated the 'life is too short' rationalization. She thought it was one of the lamer excuses in the history of excuse-making. Whenever you did something because 'life is too short not to,' you could be sure life would be just long enough to punish you for it."
— Ann Brashares

Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'"

~Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye.

Whoever said the pen is mightier then the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
--Douglas MacArthur

"She wants to know if I love her, that's all anyone wants from anyone else, not love itself but the knowledge that love is there, like new batteries in the flashlight in the emergency kit in the hall closet."

"If I had a flower for every time I thought of you...I could walk through my garden forever."
— Alfred Lord Tennyson

"If all the world hated you and believed you wicked, while your own conscience approved of you and absolved you from guilt, you would not be without friends.
- from Jane Eyre

"This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time."
Fight Club A Novel Chuck Palahniuk

“The one you love and the one who loves you are never, ever the same person.”
~"Invisible Monsters" Chuck Palahniuk

"It was the tension betweeen these two poles - a restless idealism on one hand and a sense of impending doom on the other - that kept me going."
~"The Rum Diary" Hunter S. Thompson

"Some people feel like they don't deserve love. They walk away quietly into empty spaces, trying to close the gaps of the past."
~ Chris McCandless (Into the Wild)

"people for whom sin is just words, salvation is just words too" As I Lay Dying, Faulkner

"A small child typically laughs more than four hundred times each day, and an adult - seventeen times."
~"The Happiness Project" Gretchen Rubin

"The only thing worse than a boy who hates you: a boy that loves you."
— Markus Zusak (The Book Thief)

"Maybe everyone can live beyond what they're capable of."
— Markus Zusak (I Am the Messenger)

"The trouble with words is that no matter how much sense they make in theory, they can't change what you feel inside."
~"Beautiful Malice" Rebecca James

"That's the thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet."
The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri

"Some bridges you crossed on your own, no matter who drove you to the edge"
— J.R. Ward (Dark Lover)

"Hell is empty, all the devils are here"-Shakespeare

Monday, August 12, 2013

Govt Of India's Apparel Design And Trainning Centre

Govt of India has been ever eager to cure the curse of unemployment problem.thats why a " smart " course has been introduced  for the youths who are interested to join in Apparel and Fashion Industry.

Govt has forecasted that within 2016, 800 million work force will be needed to satisfy the ever increasing needs world wide.


throughout the Country 143 branches are helping youths to find the air under their wing.
They are conducting long duration course as well a short term courses to suit the needs of the students.
for further info :
ATDC Kolkata

Plot No.- 3B, Block - LA, Sector - III, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700098

Phone: 033-23359994(T), 09830239715(M)
Fax: 033-23359821


Sunday, August 11, 2013

glass trainning

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Saturday, August 10, 2013

weaving trainning

Govt of India is ready to help the budding fashion designers and entrepreneurs by providing an 1 month trainings on 1) dyeing 2)weaving and 3) textile designing.
fees : 1000 /-

Its better to have some theoretical knowledge about weaving and fabrics before you go here.Many pvt and govt fashion schools send their students here so that they can acquire the practical knowledge,as well as a govt certificate.

for further inquiry,Contact:
 S.Banerjee,Deputy Director
 Phone: (033)23232236


Weaver's service centre.
A-101 Garment Park ( poridhan)
19,Canal South Road

P.S if I have missed any important info about weaving training in Kolkata,please feel free to mention.It might help ALL of us.

Friday, August 9, 2013

The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity.
- Peter F Drucker

Thursday, August 8, 2013


End of the document Like SWOT or PEST, SWOON is a self awareness tool.





Get some A4 size paper and draw up this grid in a landscape format

Strength: what are the good points of you? maybe you are romantic or very compassionate. Put yourself under a microscope and write down the every single strengths you have ,however small or underdeveloped.

When you have exhausted the strength column-and we hope you have had to use more paper, because you are an excellent product, fill in the next columns that your grid looks like this





Initially you might find it easier to fill up this column, but once you focus on the weakness, it will highlight the strengths you have missed so add them into appropriate column. Another way to adding the strengths columns is to look to the flip side of the weakness

Opportunity: there are opportunities in most situations; it mainly depends on how you look at them. If any opportunity pop into your head –and they will if you open your mind and follow your instinct for this exercises –and if quick as a flash you immediately think “ oh no that’s not suitable” ask your self why .You will come with all sorts of  excuses (disguised as a reason) why this should be so but if you pull every “ reason” apart you will usually find that it’s a miserable little excuse at its heart, if you want to live your life lurching from excuse to excuse ,feel free, but you are not really doing your best for yourself, this is what you are suppose to find out by doing this exercise.

Obstacle: We are not saying that there are no such things as obstacles, we are saying is that some obstacles really miserable little excuses, which can be kicked off. Another obstacle really are that things that get into the way and which are too big and too scary to kick aside, so go around them. just make that distinction-is it a real obstacle or is it a miserable little excuse ,either can be overcome with imagination and determination

Needs: behavioral scientists Maslow and Herzberg have identified a variety of psychological needs that drive our behaviors such as needs for esteem , affection, respect ,belonging. Where you need to shine? Awareness of your psychological needs can increase your motivation by helping you understand and seek out the reward that you really desire , such as a sense of accomplishment additional responsibility praise or an opportunity

By Jane Wharam

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Market Research

here you can download a free eBook on How to Conduct Market Research!!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

How to Register in Employment Bank!

WestBengal Govt. has taken an initiative to give unemployed youths 1500/- per months.This project's name is "YUVA YUTSAHA PRAKALPA". youths,who has  enrolled in Employment bank is eligible to get Rs 1500/-.At the beginning 1 lakh people will get this facility,experimentally.The age should be between 18 to 45 and minimum qualification is 8th standard.Until now 90 lakhs of Youths has enrolled in to this project.

How to Enroll:

  • Write down a biodata by your own hand
  • this letter must include:
father's/Husband's name
Academic Qualification
Voter's ID card
Ration Card/Passport
in other word you have to furnish all of your employable skills into this Bio-data
  • keep this biodata saved in your computer in a DOC format,it should not be more than 200KB
  • Log on to
  • Go to Job seeker>>>>>New enrollment
  • after the terms and conditions are accepted ,click " continue",you will get a form
  • Fill the forms with the relevant info
  • upload your bio-data ,along with a recent picture
  • after the fill ups are done,you will be sent to a page ,which you have to print.
  • take that print out to the nearest employment exchange with in 30 days for submission
  • you will be give a username & password
  • you might get a call after that for interviews!!
Good LucK!!

Sunday, August 4, 2013


Here you can download this eBook on Problem Solving .


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Acheivment Motivation

Achievement is defined as something accomplished, especially by superior ability ,special efforts ,great courage or successfully doing something challenging that one set out to achieve.

Achievement motivation is initially conceptualized by Prof. David MCclelland. Need for achievement can be described as an urge in individual to do something unique ,an urge to excel: a desire for success in competition with others ,involvement in a long term goal. Achievement Motivation is basic to any change in  economic life at all levels –individual, Group, Community or society
Achievement motivation can be cultivated from different sources as follows.
  • Different types of literature

As a children whatever read ,hear and see, influence them ,what is known as imagery. The various dimensions of literature influence the thinking process of the children and exhibit different level of motivation when they grow up, depending upon what they were exposed to. This is further reinforced by text books, Novels ,They read as an adolescent and adult.

Based on the said rationale, one can see the relevance of looking pictures, writing stories and re writing them so as to influence the thought patterns of the individuals and using them to charge or develop Achievement Motivation.

  • Child rearing system

When servants brought up the children ,it appears that they socialized the children in their own way. Achieving motivation in these children seems to have gone down. In contrast ,if parents brought up their children closely encouraging to travel alone ,allowing them to take independent decision as involve to take risk as early age ,them they can exhibit high degree of achievement motivation ,when they grew up.

  • Socializing Process

Literature and child rearing practice are slow process to influence achievement Motivation .But Society can develop Achievement motivation within a short period ,such orientation can be done at 3 levels

   (i).            The family being a primary institution, parents who know of Achievement motivation can help other elders in the family and other parents to become better parents, so their children are socializing in the right environment.
 (ii).            In schools  collages students can be encouraged to think independently ,to work in independent ,to seek help where needed, to set goals according to their competence etc
(iii).            At the working places a leader aware of Achievement motivation can contribute towards inculcation of much motivation. Creating conditions where the urge to compete and excel develops amongst the Team Members is another approach that leader can adopt.

The most effective may to develop Achievement Motivation is through imparting structured training to achieve the participants as change Agent.

The relevance of achievement motivation as ,an urge to excel ,setting challenging goals, taking moderate risks ,seeking help ,being aware of personal and worldly blocks and so on influence trough pattern of the entrepreneurs to change the situation in desired direction. Achievement motivation may  start working from product selection in a creative way reflecting urge to do something new, exploring opportunities to raise funds from various sources.

The greater the number of Achievement motivation elements present is an Entrepreneur ,There will be greater chances of success ,Realizing two major  characteristics elements of Achievement motivation i.e realizing personal blocks and seeking help to over come them.

The presence of light Achievement motivation alone may not be sufficient to emerge out successfully ,If we examine the concept of Achievement motivation-an urge to excel,an urge to compete ,an urge to do something unique are associated with constant pressure & stress. This may lead to anxiety regarding performance ,which resulted from “fear of Failure” and lead a person to work for  avoiding failure by lowering his standard of excellence .”High fear of Failure “ when not matched with the corresponding level of “hope of success”-means the person overlooks his strength inside and opportunities outside

An entrepreneur doesn’t believe any factor can influence his success or failure.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Anger Quiz

Everybody gets angry from time to time. A number of statements
that people have used to describe the times they get angry are
included below. Use the guidelines below to indicate how well
each of the following statements describes you. Please answer
every item.

5 = Completely true
4 = Mostly true
3 = Partly false/partly true
2 = Mostly false
1 = Completely false

1. I tend to get angry more frequently than most people.
.2 Other people seem to get angrier than I do in similar
3. I harbor grudges that I don’t tell anyone about.
4. I try to get even when I’m angry with someone.
5. I am secretly quite critical of others.
6. It is easy to make me angry.
7. When I am angry with someone, I let that person know.
8. I have met many people who are supposed to be experts
who are no better than I.
9. Something makes me angry almost every day.
10. I often feel angrier than I think I should.
11. I feel guilty about expressing my anger.
12. When I am angry with someone, I take it out on whoever
is around.
13. Some of my friends have habits that annoy and bother
me very much.
14. I am surprised at how often I feel angry.
15. Once I let people know I’m angry, I can put it out of my
16. People talk about me behind my back.
17. At times, I feel angry for no specific reason.
18. I can make myself angry about something in the past
just by thinking about it.
19. Even after I have expressed my anger, I have trouble forgetting
about it.
20. When I hide my anger from others, I think about it for a
long time.
21. People can bother me just by being around.
22. When I get angry, I stay angry for hours.
23. When I hide my anger from others, I forget about it
pretty quickly.
24. I try to talk over problems with people without letting
them know I’m angry.
25. When I get angry, I calm down faster than most people.
26. I get so angry, I feel like I might lose control.
27. If I let people see the way I feel, I’d be considered a hard
person to get along with.
28. I am on my guard with people who are friendlier than I

29. It’s difficult for me to let people know I’m angry.
30. I get angry when:
_____ a. Someone lets me down.
_____ b. People are unfair.
_____ c. Something blocks my plans.
_____ d. I am delayed.
_____ e. Someone embarrasses me.
_____ f. I have to take orders from someone less capable
than I.
_____ g. I have to work with incompetent people.
_____ h. I do something stupid.
_____ i. I am not given credit for something I have done.

Reprinted with permission of Dr. Judith M. Siegel. For more information see:

J. M. Siegel (1986). “The Multidimensional Anger Inventory.” Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology, 51, 191–200.

The first step in scoring is to reverse (5 = 1, 4 = 2, 3 = 3, 2 = 4, and
1 = 5) the following items: 2, 23, and 25. Next, you can find your
score on five subscales. Please note that some items appear on
more than one subscale. The first is Anger Arousal and consists of
items 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 14, 17, 18, 21, 22, 25, and 26. The second dimension
is Range of Anger-Eliciting Situations and includes items
30a, 30b, 30c, 30d, 30e, 30f, 30g, 30h, and 30i. The third dimension
is Hostile Outlook and consists of items 8, 13, 17, 18, 21, 22,
28, 30a, 30b, 30f, 30g, and 30i. The fourth dimension is Anger-
Out and consists of items 7, 23, 24, and 29. And the fifth dimension
is Anger-In and consists of items 3, 4, 11, 19, 20, and 27.

AA   RAS    HO    AO   AI    Total     PERCENTILE

47     33       44        14    22     160      85
42     29       39         13   20     142      70
36     25       34         11   17      123      50
30     21       29          9    14      104      30
25     17       24          8     12      86       15

About the Multidimensional Anger Inventory

 For many years, the common wisdom was that people should express their anger, that it was unhealthy to suppress
it. Freud, one of the first proponents of this view, argued
that depression is anger turned inward, so clearly, it would be
better to express one’s anger outward to avoid the negative consequences
of repressing it.

are you an angry person?

Now, , researchers have a very different
view of anger, and it appears as if there is very little that is good
about it. As is always the case, the situation is extremely complex
and the interplay of a number of variables must be considered,
but it does appear that anger poses serious health and social

you would benefit from modifying your anger level. It is never
easy to change lifelong patterns, but the evidence is clear that
anger management programs work. It is true that some of us are
predisposed by our biological makeup to respond more strongly
than others, but the experience of anger is strongly influenced
by learning. If we observed our parents becoming angry frequently,
we learned that anger is an expected reaction in such
situations. And remember, patterns that are learned can be unlearned.

Perhaps the most important step in modifying your anger is to
recognize that it is under your control. Too many angry people
blame the target of their emotions. The abusive husband blames
his wife for provoking him. The woman who experiences road
rage blames stupid and incompetent drivers. If you want to
change, you have to accept responsibility for your reactions. You
cannot blame others for the emotions you experience. You are in
charge, and it is up to you to do something about your anger.

One important step in modifying your anger is to learn a more
appropriate, healthier response to situations that make you angry.
Most anger management programs use relaxation training
to help people with this step. Even if you do not spend
the time to thoroughly master these techniques, you can accomplish
a great deal with very simple breathing exercises. Suppose
you are stuck in traffic and know you will be late to an important
meeting. Rather than feel angry at all the “idiots” who are making
life difficult for you, simply lean back in your seat, take several
slow, deep breaths, and repeat the word relax to yourself.
This will not work miracles the first time you try it, but if you consistently
practice relaxing in situations that typically make you
angry, you will be surprised by the change in yourself over a few
weeks’ time.

are you an angry person?

Along with learning to relax, you must change your thoughts.
I do not have much of a problem with anger but there is one situation
that I have had to make a conscious effort to work on—
the express line in the grocery store. I would find myself
becoming increasingly angry when the people in front of me did
not do everything they could to make the line move quickly. Especially
infuriating was the person who would wait until the
checker announced the total before digging through her purse
to find her pocketbook. Then, this especially annoying person
would dig through her change pocket to preserve as many of her
precious dollar bills as possible (see, I’m getting worked up just
writing about it). I decided I had to change when I realized I
would still be angry by the time I got home from the store. So I
would take the deep breaths and then tell myself that at most, it
was adding a minute to my delay and that the woman was not intentionally
doing this to make my life miserable. And rather than
stare at her in a futile attempt to speed her up, I would amuse
myself by reading the headlines of the tabloid newspapers that
are always adjacent to the checkout line.

It has been several years since I vowed to work on this, and
there are still times when I am in a hurry and I have to remind
myself to practice what I preach. It is almost impossible to completely
change our reactions, but it is also true that I almost
never walk out of the store feeling angry at the people who were
ahead of me in line. With persistence, you too can overcome
most anything.

By : Louis Janda

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Are you a CONTROLLING Person?

The following questionnaire should be filled out according to
how you feel at the present. Respond with a “True” or a “False”
depending on which choice most accurately describes you.

1. I am easily awakened by noise.
2. When it’s time to make a major decision like purchasing
a house or a car, I usually make that decision.
3. When it’s time to make a major decision about moving,
I usually make that decision.
4. My daily life is full of things that are interesting.
5. I enjoy detective or mystery stories.
6. I work under a great deal of tension.
7. When it’s time to discipline the children, I make that decision.
8. No one seems to understand me.
9. When it’s time to decide about social events with
friends or family, I usually make that decision.
10. I like to be bossy.
11. At times I feel like swearing.
12. I like to get in the last word.
13. I find it hard to keep my mind on a task.
14. At times I feel like smashing things.
15. I like to know the details about other people’s phone
16. I do not always tell the truth.
17. I like to have rules and structure for handling most or all
18. I like to monitor other people to make sure things are
going the way they should be.
19. I like to make sure everything goes according to plan.
20. I am a good mixer.
21. I like to lead conversations or group discussions.
22. I am liked by most people.
23. I get angry sometimes.
24. I may be inclined to interrupt people if they are not responding
in the way they should be.
25. I think most people would lie to get ahead.
26. I am lacking in self-confidence.
27. I am an important person.
28. I have a tendency to manipulate, maneuver, or control
other people.
29. I am a good leader but not particularly a good follower.
30. I like to give directions about driving or other activities.
31. I am happy most of the time.
32. I am a person who, if I am going out for an evening,
likes to decide where to eat, what movie to attend, etc.
33. My hardest battles are with myself.
34. I seem to be about as capable and smart as most others
around me.
35. I tend to overstructure spontaneous time such as vacation,
etc. and turn them into controlled events.
36. I feel useless at times.
106 interpersonal barriers
37. I have ideas about controlling other things with the children
and other people such as how much food they
should have on their plate, etc.
38. I am seen by relatives as being a dominant member of
our extended family.
39. I am the one who usually decides which television
channel to watch.
40. I am the one who usually controls the thermostat in the
41. Criticism or scolding hurts me terribly.
42. I would rather win than lose in a game.
43. I do not tire quickly.

The Way of Life Scale uses a technique that, while common in
test construction, is one we have not seen in the other tests in this
book—it uses a number of “distractor items” to disguise the purpose
of the test. So, while 43 items appear on the scale, only 21
of the items are actually relevant to the purpose of the test. To
find your score, count the number of “True” responses to items
2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 24, 28, 29, 30, 32, 35, 37, 38,
39, and 40.

15          85
13          70
11          50
9            30
7            15

Type A personalities are described as ambitious, impatient, harddriving,
time-pressured, and hostile people. This personality
type burst into the public consciousness some thirty years ago
when researchers discovered that such people were prone to
coronary heart disease.
It was noted that while a variety of elements
come together to form the Type A personality, not all of
these qualities are bad, or “toxic,” . In fact,
people with Type A personalities tend to be more successful in
their academic and vocational careers than their Type B counterparts.
Furthermore, Type As are quicker to recognize hopeless,
no-win situations than are Type Bs. There are some good
things about being a Type A, but it can be difficult for these
people to retain the good while ridding themselves of the toxic

Over the past few years, a number of researchers have collected
impressive evidence that anger and hostility are the components
of the Type A personality that are especially troublesome

Researchers wondered if an exaggerated
need for social control, also referred to as “non mutuality,”
might also be one of the toxic elements. To learn if this
might be true, they developed the test .....

 When working on a task,
controlling people are reluctant to defer to their partner, even
when it is clear their partner has superior ability. No wonder
these people are so hard to live with.
If you had a high score on this test, the odds are good that
your partner feels resentful about your need to always have
things go your way. And unless you can change your ways, your
relationship is in for some difficult times. Although we have
much to learn about this personality trait, your relationships with
friends and colleagues are probably hurt by your need to control
them as well. High scorers’ pervasive need to be “in control”
makes them insensitive to the needs, feelings, and opinions of
others. High scorers are even unwilling to share the conversational
ball; they need to control that as well. It is often difficult
for controlling people to see their situation clearly, but they give
up the opportunity for warm, caring relationships by demanding
to always be in charge.
If you score highly on this test, it will not be easy for you to
change your ways. Even those who have experienced coronary
heart disease find it difficult to tone down their personalities,
even though they know it may mean the difference between life
and death. I believe the first step is to attempt to fully understand
how your need to be in control is affecting your relationships
with others. Talk openly with your partner and your friends. Invite
them to share with you their feelings about your behavior.
Expect them to be reluctant about being candid: your anger is
intimidating. Understand that their criticisms will elicit an intense
urge on your part to justify your actions. Be calm and patient,
and listen to all they have to say.
Once you are ready to make some changes, begin with the
small stuff. Ask a child to build a tower of blocks or put together
a model without interfering. Yes, you could probably improve on
the child’s effort, but remember, that is not the point. Ask your
partner to pick a restaurant and movie for the evening and go
along with the plans cheerfully. Do not offer your thoughts
about the bad review you read, for instance; simply give up control
for a single evening.
Recognize that there may be some situations in which it will be
almost impossible for you to give up control. In other words, do
not pretend that you and your partner are going to plant a garden
together if you find it intolerable not to do it your way. If you
must, plant your own garden and allow your partner to plant his
or her own.It will be difficult to change and it will take an enormous
amount of self-discipline, but the rewards are great. Not only will
you increase your odds of living a long, healthy life, but you also
will discover the richness of human relationships when they are
based on mutuality and respect. Don’t give up.

Source:Louise Janda

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