Friday, November 9, 2012

House Number

Most people are aware of the importance of a good business address but not many are aware that your house number can have an effect on the structure and its occupants, too.   
As you will read below, the vibrations of a house or apartment and apartment building can have an effect on how a life is lived within those confines. Even hotel and motel room numbers can have a vibration that correlates with what goes on behind the closed doors.  For example, the hotel room that snagged Ex-Governor Eliot Spitzer in his extra-marital tryst was the number 871 which reduces to the number 16/7 (8+7+1 = 16 and 1+6 = 7) which I call the “shake-down” number, meaning it has the potential of tearing down and taking away most everything the individual(s) inhabiting that room deem of value in their lives, thereby ultimately bringing him and/or her to a new and usually better plateau in their life -- once all the debris from the shake down settles.  It appears that Mr. Spitzer, at least, is a benefactor of a “better” outcome.
When analyzing your home address, it is important that you consider your day of birth (i.e., the 1st, 15th, etc.) and the "destiny" number (the full addition of your birth date reduced to a single digit.  Example:  Birth date 11-30-1964 = 1+1+3+0+1+9+6+4 = 25 and 2 + 5 = 7), as well as those of others who will be residing in the home. One or more people who live in your home may have the same day of birth number or destiny number as the house and, in that case, they should feel more comfortable and personally aligned with that house's vibration than those who don't have a matching number.
According to the science of numerology, the numbers found in your home address have vibrations (like your birth date) and those number vibrations attract specific personalities and circumstances to a house.
The "primary" house number is found by adding together, and reducing to a single digit, all the numbers in your house address. For example, if your house number is 2478, you would add 2 + 4 + 7 + 8 which equals 21 and then reduce the 21 to the single digit 3 (2 + 1 = 3).  Three is the "primary" house number for 2478. Another example: House number 10: 1 + 0 = 1. The "primary" house number for 10 is 1.
Once you have determined your "primary" house number, locate it below and learn the about the number vibration qualities and characteristics associated with your home.
1:  Number 1 is associated with power, independence, originality, innovativeness, dynamism, and leadership.  Those attracted to a number 1 house tend to be individualistic, independent, self-reliant and progressive. The "1" vibration inspires originality, innovativeness, and creativity. Many peculiar circumstances take place behind the doors of a "1" home. New acquaintances/friendships can come and go very quickly. People in the professions, i.e., lawyers, professors, doctors, tend to gravitate to the number 1 home. The dwellers of this home tend to be fastidious and precise in their confines and occupations, or domestically lackadaisical and not at all concerned with details and finesse. Therefore, the condition of the "1" house is either very well kept or disheveled and even dilapidated.  The famous or infamous, along with the avant-guard, often frequent the "1" house making it a topic of conversation and curiosity for the neighbors.
2:  Number 2 is associated with cooperation, diplomacy, courteousness, hospitality, harmony, and altruism.  The inhabitants of this house are usually socially refined, home-loving people, who are nurturing, hospitable, generous and enjoy entertaining. They may have a constant stream of people coming and going from their home – liken to a boardinghouse. The "2" is a people-oriented number and often attracts occupants who are involved in businesses associated with food, human and animal comforts, and entertainment.  Doctors, nurses, and other medical and service-oriented practitioners are also attracted to the 2 environs. Two house dwellers are also the most likely to bring their work home or actually work out of their home. The "2" building is usually very solid and the surroundings kept in an inviting, environmentally appealing condition, usually boasting flowers and other types of foliage and fauna around and about the grounds.
3:  Number 3 is associated with eloquence, creativity, good taste, graciousness, welcoming, and entertainment.  The owners of a 3 house tend to add rooms, knock out walls to enlarge and make way for more space, ad infinitum. This house usually attracts cheerful inhabitants who are risk-takers, extravagant, impulsive, and sometimes scattered. Highly imaginative, creative, spiritually-inclined individuals are other qualities inherent in the dwellers of a number "3" home. Luck, good fortune, and romance are a few of the beneficial factors that can enhance the lives of the number 3 home dwellers. The 3 also attracts people who especially enjoy the arts and entertaining and the inhabitants can be the quintessential hosts and hostesses.  On the downside, there may be too much entertaining in a number 3 house, because it can attract those who readily succumb to all the physical temptations which can lead to one or more of the inhabitants being unfaithful, dishonest and overindulgence. This house is usually kept in immaculate condition or its environs are very cluttered and full of collectibles or a menagerie of odds and ends.
4:  Number 4 is associated with convention, dependability, industriousness, discipline, integrity, organization, and trustworthiness.  Four is a number of practicality and stability. This numbered home’s inhabitants are usually conscientious, good citizen types who garner respect from their neighbors and the community because of the careful manicured, orderly and kempt home. Many people who move into a "4" house undergo major personality transformations, sometimes not for the better.  As an example, a sensitive, gentle person may become combative and defensive under the number 4 vibration. Or, on the positive side, a cantankerous individual may become more peaceful and amiable. Frequent personality clashes and internal conflicts occur among the inhabitants under the influence of the "4" because the 4 is also the number associated with contrarians. People who inhabit a "4" home are most likely dedicated, and hard-working, they tend to lean toward being laid-back and even lazy in the confines of their own home. The "4" house may have continuous structural problems and have damage coming from cracked walls and ceilings or sinking foundations, many times caused by shifts in the ground beneath them.  A potential purchaser of a number 4 house should carefully investigate the foundation.
5:  The number 5 is associated with sociability, enthusiasm, energy and speed, free-thinking, individuality, and resourcefulness.  Progressive, broad-minded, energetic and active people inhabit the 5 house. These inhabitants usually have many irons in the fire and a plethora of projects, athletic endeavors, hobbies or crafts to ensure they never get bored or become idle. The 5 home is a place where groups gather to exchange ideas and engage in lengthy political, philosophical and religious conversations. Its inhabitants may, in fact, have an "open door" policy where people can drop in anytime. Its dwellers/owners tend to come and go and if it is rented, it may be hard to keep tenants for any long length of time. Impatience and haste are byproducts of this environment and the atmosphere is usually not conducive to anyone who is high-strung, nervous or, on the other hand, reserved and private. Physically, this house usually has features that require less effort to maintain it in good condition and it usually has a sturdy structure.  Five homes can get in disarrayed condition quickly, primarily due to the constant comings and goings of its inhabitants. It can seem as though there are always things to pick up and put away in a 5 house.
6:  The number 6 is associated with accountability, responsibility, consideration, humanitarianism, and romance.  Love, beauty and harmony are the qualities associated with the number 6 and therefore many sensitive, artistic types gravitate to this numbered home. This is the type of home that could be the newlyweds' first house or a love nest for retirees, or a wholesome family dwelling. Most who live in 6 houses are family-oriented individuals who are good neighbors and usually show a strong interest in community affairs. In fact, they often lead volunteer missions for bettering the community. People who live in 6 houses have a love for procreation and usually enjoy gardening and working the landscape. Children, animals, plants and walls lined with family pictures may be found in ample supply in the 6 home's comfy confines. The law and civic justice may play a significant role in this home, either as the profession of an occupant or, in the worst case, for less noble reasons. The negative side of the 6 (especially if the house or apartment is a number 15) can create an atmosphere of family dissension, discord and disharmony among its inhabitants.  The 6 house structure is usually kept in good condition by its inhabitants.  On the other hand, because its inhabitants are sometimes over-doers, they will let the home repair needs go. 
7:  The number 7 is associated with broad-mindedness, enlightenment, idealism, ingenuity, peace, and wisdom.  Refined, quiet individuals such as educators, scientists and writers are attracted to number 7 homes. These dwellers are also prone to being perfectionists and individuals who are constantly on a quest for self-improvement or self-realization. Individuals who chase rainbows and who may have some difficulty separating reality from fantasy are also attracted to the number 7 home. A significant amount of alone time is usually necessary for the inhabitants of number 7, which can also influence the separation and isolation of the occupants through personal loss or by them being overtly inhospitable. This house may appear larger or smaller than it actually is from the outside and repairs are a constant theme of a 7 house.  Often there is a leaky room that defies repair or its owners are hampered by constant sewer and drainage problems.
8:  The number 8 is associated with authority, courage, dignity, good judgment, leadership, fame and money.  This is the home of achievers who sometimes take life too seriously. The number 8 home is usually stable and solid. The interior décor can be elegant and minimalist or ultramodern, bordering on austerity.  The yard is well-manicured and the grounds kept in kempt condition. People in the professions or who have attained a certain degree of self-mastery tend to inhabit these confines. Business, money, career advancement, and being involved in high society are the kinds of interests and concerns of the "8" home dwellers. The number 8 home has a luck feature that portends the value of an 8 house will always increase -- usually much more than comparable homes in the neighborhood.  The inhabitants of an 8 home may also experience increases in their personal wealth while residing under this auspicious number vibration. These increases can come through windfalls, inheritances, career elevation, or just plain old good luck. If the 8 house is a seasoned structure, its primary problems will concern the drainage and heating systems.
9:  The Number 9 is associated with altruism, compassion, devotion, graciousness, modesty, and culture.  Conservative, cultured, humanitarian people who may be involved in volunteer or charity work gravitate to the number 9.  They are lovers of arts, the theater, beauty and philanthropy and their presence is usually positive for the neighborhood.  They take pride in their home confines and surroundings, maintaining a well-manicured front lawn and other appealing features. Impatient action-takers, prone to burning their candles at both ends also gravitate to 9 homes.  The number 9 is ruled by Mars and therefore there can be some very heated arguments behind those closed doors, but the neighbors will never know.  People in 9 homes are loath to have their dirty laundry aired.  The house structure may have many big and small rooms, is kept in good condition and usually boasts a large or small garden. The heating system can cause problems and certain parts of the house may be difficult to cool down or heat up during the different seasons.
0:  If the zero is present in the number on a home it bestows divine inspiration, divine protection and divine guidance, so feel blessed if your home has one or more zeros in its number. 
The following offers the meanings (positive and not-so-positive) of each individual number in a house number.  For example, if a house address is 2819, each number indicates that the inhabitants are wholesome, nurturing and neighborly (2), educated or classy with an eye for quality (8), possess an independent nature - perhaps being self-employed (1), and have a desire to help others with compassion for the whole world (9). The overall 20 (2+8+1+9 = 20) indicates a home that would have a welcome mat at the door and its inhabitants are sociable and enjoy entertaining. The number 20 is associated with “enlightenment” and therefore the spiritually inclined will also be attracted to this house number.

-Sally Faubion

Saturn in Scorpio - A victim of swindle in a past life
    In a past life you were too open and honest with others and people did take advantage. You never thought about keeping secrets and those with more devious personalities found it easy to get information from you. You may have suffered in some way because of this.
    That's why in this life you are more cautious, careful and even suspicious of other people's motives. You would need to know everything about someone before you let down your guard and trusted them with confidential information. You are serious in your endeavours and you will put a lot of effort into achieving your aims. You don't like wasting time. You don't like wasting money and this is all because in a past life you may have put a lot of effort into certain goals, only for someone else to get all the credit. Or you may have mixed with materialistic people who could spend and spend without having to think about the cost.

When Personal Tragedy Comes


"Life's tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late" 

Nobody in this World can tell that they have escaped tragedy.Everybody ,in some point of time has faced it.But often we don't understand how to get it over with or how to deal with it on our own.Personal tragedies can be of various types ,including losings a job or partner.Often there are few tragic incidents which we cant share with people.It eats us silently.Its said that time is a great healer.But when tragedy strikes we are left so hurt and confused that waiting to be get healed naturally  is out of question.We need to take some measures which will help it heal faster.

So don't suffer silently.I would like to share few words of  M.R.Kopmeyer on this.

you must admit that tragic loss has happened.There must be temporary relief in dumb disbelief.But the anesthesia of disbelief wares off in confrontation with fact and encourages withdrawal from reality in vain attempt to sustain escape.

There are mental danger in playing make-believe with tragedy.Its better to face tragedy frankly,squarely ,honestly.There is relief and strength in the courage to meet reality boldly and openly ,to Admit that waht is so ,Is so.

Only when you have taken the first step, admit ,is it possible to obtain the merciful relief of the next step toward peace of mind and spirit.

By fully admitting your tragic loss,you open the way to what probably is the greatest and most rewarding of all mental ,emotional and spiritual powers: ACCEPTANCE.

Acceptance if the inevitable is one of the man kind's greatest achievements,In recognizing the human in ability to control all circumstances,Acceptance ,gives man mastery over the consequences of those events he can not control.

and so with personal tragedy.Complete ACCEPTANCE of it --with humility and submission-quietly ,but surely,gives you mastery of survival and inner resources to deal with whatever consequences may result.

No one is given a burden without ,at the same time , being given the strength to bear it.

Willingness to Accept the inevitable misfortunes in life transcends almost every other human power.Its useless to fight the inevitable or to reject it or curse it."..

"it is so,It cant be otherwise"

We can deal with such finality only through acceptance as philosopher William James advised - Be willing to have it so,Acceptance of what has happened is the first step of overcoming the consequence of any misfortune.

This gives  validity to admitting and accepting -it is the 3rd dimension which imparts substance ,otherwise there remains only one passive state of mind, helpful as that is ,but noting more.

..the ego-involvement in making whatever changes are necessary to adjust completely to all of the circumstances  of your misfortune, which excludes the imminent possibility of withdrawal.You must be come willing and totally involved in what ever adjustment are necessary, because withdrawal from reality soon becomes a severe mental illness

Adapting must come from within.your adjustment should be total and it must be yours.It must bear the hallmark of your courage ,your determination ,your decision.


The ultimate achievement in dealing with consequence of tragedy is to act at once leaving the door which fate forever closed and actively seeking the open door which faith promises ."Seek and ye shall find" must seek your own channel of activity .. find your own cause...and then put your own entair self to it.. and mental and physical work will relieve and replace emotional tension ,anxiety and grief.

The power is provided by the very act of your doing because the law of life that ,if you act in faiths as you do the thing ,you will receive the power

Thus your capability to survive and then surmount personal tragedy finds its power-source in your consummate faith that you are a part of infinity which being total perfection, can harbor no problems -including yours and so , with unlimited resource, absolves your problems when you have the wisdom and faith to release them."

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

eBook in the month:365 Quotes


 download this fabulous collection of quotes.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Weakness of attitude is weakness of character-A.Einstein


The nature of man is always the same ;its their habits that separates them- Confucius

To day I wish to write about habit..and I know it’s one of the most heaviest word in the dictionary..because

“Good habit s,once established are just as hard to break as bad habits”-Robert Puller

Why this is unbreakable both ways?how it gets so powerful?
Because when we form a habit ,good or bad,it sinks down into different layers of mental,physical and vital parts .By this way it becomes a second nature ,just like an instinct.Every man has to go trough this habit-channels, when ever they are trying to establish a habit.
Good habits are always good ,but bad habits are as diverse as people’s personalities.Alan Strathman, Phd of University of Missouri and his colleagues discovered that we have different degrees of “future Orientation”,Which means preference for delayed consequence, since most of the decision-making process that sustains bad habit focuses on  the present rather than future ,people with a poor future orientation struggle more with bad habits.

We all want to change our bad habits.

5 most important steps are
Precontemplation (the person sees no need to change)
Contemplation ( the person recognizes the problem)
Preparation( the person plans for change but tomorrow)
Maintenance (the person continues the new ,positive behavior for more than 6 months)

But most importantly we need to change our attitude,in order to be successful in habit-changing mission.if you ever backslide don’t label yourself a failure.Some would say “oh I am lazy”.wrong!!actually people don’t understand how to go about it properly.its not will power that is needed to change our habit,but understanding.

taken from the book of S.R.Khan
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