Wednesday, April 25, 2012

xpert tips:astrology

1.Empty house means ,those environments are not that important in native's life.

2.Ascendant is a musk, mid-heaven is a goal and ascendants
and its aspects tells what road we take to achieve that goal .

3. The presence of Neptune in one of the vocational houses doesn’t tell you the whole story, only that there is a Grand Dream—a vision about the place the person was born to fill in the scheme of things.
To see whether the individual is likely to apply the sweat equity required to make the dream a reality, assess the condition of other planets in the chart. A hard-working, well-grounded Saturn would help. Look to challenging aspects like squares, oppositions, or quincunxes for the energy and drive to bring the dream to fruition. Look, also, to easier aspects—trines, sextiles, and quintiles to Neptune—for natural abilities and gifts to achieve the goal, as well as for support from others in realizing the vision.-Donna Cunningham

4.What Transits to Natal Jupiter Teach Us
An apt description of transits to natal Jupiter would be A CRISIS OF FAITH. During these intervals, all you ever thought you knew for certain—all you avidly believed in—is called into question. Depending on how Jupiterian you are to begin with, they can bring on a bleak despair.
Since Jupiter represents our need to Know and Be Right, the revelation that we DON’T know and have been horribly and humiliatingly WRONG can be quite devastating. To the extent our self-worth is based on having The Answers, we can feel like crap about ourselves.
What we learn from these transits in the end is that we CANNOT have all the answers, not for anyone else, not even for ourselves. And with the hard-won humility, we can be more genuinely helpful to others, because we’re not coming from a place of arrogance.

5. A SATURN CHART: You take your natal Saturn in your natal chart and set up another chart with your natal Saturn as the Ascendant. Then set up an equal house chart in accordance with your natal Saturn Rising of your new Saturn chart. Then place your other natal planets as they are in your natal, into your new Saturn chart. Then interpret the chart accordingly. This will reveal to you – your present life’s soul lessons


  1. Really nice post you have shared based on astrological things, This is very interesting things to review.
    Thank you


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