Thursday, June 6, 2013

Numerology in NutShell

A few of the "personality" features of each of the numbers 1 through 9 follow. You may want to relate these to your birthday or destiny numbers, too:
1: Independent, enterprising, original, creative, ambitious, assertive, inventive, determined, private; and/or antagonistic and demanding.
2: Affable, hospitable, nurturing, considerate, unpretentious, kindly, modest, musically-inclined; and/or needy and worrisome.
3: Artistic, gregarious, fastidious or sloppy (can effect both), charming, art lovers; flamboyant, extravagant, imaginative, enthusiastic; and/or over-indulgent and careless.
4: Practical, hardworking, stable, pragmatic, honest, compliant, dedicated, steadfast, conventional, practical, productive; and/or unsocial and dull.
5: Changeable, energetic, adaptable, progressive, free-thinking, demonstrative, clever, daring, whimsical; and/or over-indulgent, elusive and evasive.
6: Altruistic, compassionate, dependable, helpful, protective, romantic, responsible, honorable, charitable; and/or inhospitable and biased.
7: Avant-garde, private, meticulous, intellectual, investigative, introspective, philosophical, mystical; and/or odd and antisocial.
8: Ambitious, competent, confident, dynamic, principled, prosperous, shrewd, systematic; and/or judgmental, controlling.
9: Cordial, discriminating, friendly, philanthropic, responsible, self-sacrificing, idealistic, liberal; or ultra-conservative, biased, and snobby.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Procrastination Survey


  Each of the following statements concerns different aspects of procrastination.
The survey questions are presented in both positive and negative directions. 

answer is on a four-point scale where 1 = definitely false, 2 = mostly false, 3 = somewhat
true, and 4 = definitely true.

 Circle the number that best describes where you stand on
each item.

1. I put off activities of daily living,
such as washing, cleaning, auto
maintenance, etc.

2. I efficiently fulfill responsibilities. 

3. When I am unsure of an outcome,
I'll put it off.

4. I have great ideas and plans that
stay on the "drawing board."

5. I show up late for appointments.

6. I look for guarantees before I act. 

7. I waste too much time. 

8. When faced with something
unpleasant, I tell myself I'll get to
it later.

9. I devise credible sounding explanations
to excuse my delays.

10. I know there are personal changes
I need to make.

11. I expect more of myself than I

12. I stick to my priorities. 

13. I'm not adequate enough to perform
as I want.

14. I let work pile up. 

15. I meet my objective before the

16. I promise myself I'll finish later,
then I break my promise.

17. I easily get side-tracked. 

18. I wait to feel inspired before acting. 

19. To be worthy, I must meet high

20. I often start assignments at the last
possible minute.

21. I am organized and directed in
how I achieve major goals.

22. I tell myself I'll begin tomorrow. 

23. I easily make decisions then stick
with them.

24. I pay bills on time.

25. Even when I procrastinate, I'm
very demanding of myself.

26. My delays hinder others.
27. I can't seem to get to places on

28. I am ready to kick my procrastination

29. I daydream a lot.

30. I make great progress, then I slip

31. When I say I'll do something, I get 1
it done quickly.

32. I second-guess myself.

33. I am more likely to finish when
others depend on me.

34. My goals are clear, measurable,
and achievable.

35. I find ways to extend deadlines.

36. My "to-do" list remains undone.

37. I'm afraid to make a mistake.

38. I feel overwhelmed with too many
things to do.

39. If it's frustrating, I'll avoid it.

40. Time seems to "slip away."

41. Procrastination comes easily to me. 

42. When faced with an unpleasant
task, I'll do something else first.

43. I have bad habits I should break.

44. I weigh more than I should.

45. I can't stand feeling hassled.

46. I don't exercise enough.

47. I make plans for getting things
done efficiently.

48. I quickly face my personal

49. I keep to my schedules and meet
my deadlines.

50. I'm drifting through life.
51. I keep things tidy and in their
52. It may be important, but if I don't
feel like doing it, I'll put it off.

53. Pushy people deserve to wait. 

54. I defer making decisions.

55. I have the ability to stop 

56. I procrastinate without forethought.

57. I get back at people by delaying

58. I feel overly stressed. 

59. When it comes to procrastination, I
feel like I am on a yo-yo.

60. I worry about what others think.
61. I wait until the eleventh hour to

62. I meet my responsibilities

63. I cram before exams.
64. I'm stressed by too much informa-
tion to assimilate.

65. I'm optimistic about my prospects
for beating procrastination.

66. I hesitate in making decisions.
67. I inconvenience others when I

68. I can't seem to get things done on

69. People expect more from me than I
can deliver.

70. I think my future looks bright.
71. I fear failure.
72. People will accommodate me when
I turn things in late.
73. My moods govern what I do.
74. I have trouble making up my

75. I worry about what can go wrong.
76. I fall short of my standards.

This survey taps common procrastination patterns, such as deadline procrastination, and
common catalysts, such as self-doubts, that I'll explain throughout this workbook.
The scores on this survey are like golf scores. The higher scores show a potential
handicap condition. Where you scored 3 or 4 on the survey, this is a potential procrastination
hot spot.
In the "Questions" column, you'll find the question numbers for each hot-spot

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Winning Self esteem

Few words from The book called “Psychology Of Winning” by Dr.Denis Waitley,on self esteem

When we examine Losers and Low achievers, an attitude of low self-esteem seem to be the root of their problems…………winners learn  to understand that self-development is a lifetime  program. to establish true self esteem, we must concentrate on our success and look at the failures and negative in our lives only as corrective feedback to get us on target again…we need to base more of our actions and decisions on rational thinking rather than on emotions. Emotions are automatic subconscious reactions. To respond to the daily experience and challenges of life by reacting emotionally is to nullify the wisdom and power of the rational mind…

To develop and maintain the self esteem we need to find pleasure and pride in our current profession rather than looking for greener pastures else where…..right now, right where you are---making changes in your internal reactions rather than searching for external stimulation in a new environment.

One good indicator of an individual’s opinion of himself is the way he /she can accept compliment….Those who know who they are need not to be defensive—nor do they have to go out of their way to improve anything. Their solid self-esteem is quite enough to get them anywhere they want to go.

Winners are aware of their potential. They like who they are…accept yourself as you are right now---an imperfect, changing, growing and worth while person. Most successful people believe in their own worth, even when they have noting but a dream to hold on to.

Take action Today:
  1. Dress and look your Best at all the times, regardless of the pressure from your peers and friends.
  2. volunteer your own name first in every telephone  call and whenever you meet some one new
  3. take inventory of your good reasons for self esteem today…who and what you are thankful for…what have you done that you are proud of so far
  4. respond with a simple ,courteous “thank you” when some one pays you a compliment for any reason
  5. sit up front in the most prominent rows when you attend meetings, lectures or conferences
  6. walk more erectly and authoritatively in  public with a relaxed but more rapid pace
  7. Set your internal standards rather than comparing yourself to others. Keep upgrading your standards in lifestyle ,behavior, professional accomplishment
  8. Use encouraging, affirmative language when you talk to your self and others about yourself.
  9. keep a self development plan ongoing all the time. Sketch it out on  paper –the knowledge you will require, the behavior modification you will achieve. seek the real winners in life as friends and role models
  10. SMILE!!

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