Thursday, June 6, 2013

Numerology in NutShell

A few of the "personality" features of each of the numbers 1 through 9 follow. You may want to relate these to your birthday or destiny numbers, too:
1: Independent, enterprising, original, creative, ambitious, assertive, inventive, determined, private; and/or antagonistic and demanding.
2: Affable, hospitable, nurturing, considerate, unpretentious, kindly, modest, musically-inclined; and/or needy and worrisome.
3: Artistic, gregarious, fastidious or sloppy (can effect both), charming, art lovers; flamboyant, extravagant, imaginative, enthusiastic; and/or over-indulgent and careless.
4: Practical, hardworking, stable, pragmatic, honest, compliant, dedicated, steadfast, conventional, practical, productive; and/or unsocial and dull.
5: Changeable, energetic, adaptable, progressive, free-thinking, demonstrative, clever, daring, whimsical; and/or over-indulgent, elusive and evasive.
6: Altruistic, compassionate, dependable, helpful, protective, romantic, responsible, honorable, charitable; and/or inhospitable and biased.
7: Avant-garde, private, meticulous, intellectual, investigative, introspective, philosophical, mystical; and/or odd and antisocial.
8: Ambitious, competent, confident, dynamic, principled, prosperous, shrewd, systematic; and/or judgmental, controlling.
9: Cordial, discriminating, friendly, philanthropic, responsible, self-sacrificing, idealistic, liberal; or ultra-conservative, biased, and snobby.

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