Friday, June 10, 2011

mental excercises: relaxation technique

when we learn to relax the body ,breath and mind,the body becomes healthy,the mind becomes clear,and our awareness becomes balanced.
-Tarthang Tulku,Buddhist teacher

Close your eyes,settle in to comfortable posture,
and spend a few minutes relaxing your body.

Begin by letting your body become loose and limp.
Allow your weight to sink
and your muscles to relax.

Spend a while just paying attention to how your body feels.
Focus on your physical sensations,
in your arms,shoulders, back ,head stomach and legs, as well as inside your chest,abdomen and hips.

Then slowly shift your attention to your breath.
Focus on your sensation of air
passing through your nostrils.

As you inhale and exhale ,allow your breathing,
to become calmer and more even.
Don't try to force your breath.
Just allow it to be natural and fluid.

Each time a distracting thought passes through your mind,
Use it as a reminder
to return your attention to your body.
Gently lead the focus of your mind back to your sensations.

Allow yourself to let go completely
and to sink deeply into the warm feeling of relaxation
Recirculate your sensations back in to sensations.

Become so quite inside
that you can feel
your heart beat
through out the body.

until next time..

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