Sunday, September 2, 2012

12th house cusp
When CAPRICORN rules the natal twelfth house, there may be a pronounced tendency to allow temporary failures, disappointments, and setbacks to become more or less permanent in that you fail to keep going and may not realize much real success in life. There can develop a pattern of starting after some goal or objective of importance, meeting resistance, and then giving up -- all the while declaring that there is no need to try anything else because one failure or disappointment is a certain guarantee of another, and still others. One with this configuration would do well to learn the true meaning of the oft-repeated saying: "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." Persistence with faith and a positive mental and emotional attitude is the "genie" that you must unshackle.

Depending on the aspects of the ruling Saturn, this placement can serve to provide what is a very deep-seated sense of responsibility, or it may produce a realistic elusion that you are constantly swimming upstream.
If Capricorn is on the 12th house cusp, you are likely to inhibit and ignore you inner urges, and could even be paranoid. You need to reconcile yourself with those parts of yourself which you have cut yourself off from. People with this cusp overlay are usually Aquarius Rising, and are more conservative than they like to admit. Although they’re sometimes limited by unconscious fears, their hidden strength is the discipline that enables them to work hard behind the scenes. They can be trusted with secrets, and they often work on secret projects.
Capricorn on the cusp of the Twelfth House: There is a need and often the ability to perceive who holds the real power in any social situation when the Mountain Goat occupies this position in the natal chart. The individual is made frequently uncomfortable by the thought that people or circumstances beyond his control may suppress his personal influence. Indeed, this position could be said to express the idea: To control or not to control, that is the question? As a result, Capricorn on the Twelfth can be highly manipulative. On the other hand, this sign/cusp combination can be a rich source of hidden wealth and resources. It may indicate a person who has mastered the art of creating those inner structures that help to create businesses, social services, and material benefits for oneself and others. An examination of Saturn is essential to a greater understanding of the implications of this position. This is especially true of the interchange between Saturn and Neptune. When this is positive, the person has the ability to free oneself from limitations and restrictions but when negative, there is the tendency to create a great deal of confusion for oneself.

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