Saturday, December 8, 2012

Evaluate your blindspots!

Half the work that is done in this world is to make things appear what they are not!!

The planet Neptune never failed to intrigue me.I personally believe no trait is good or bad, its the situation that make them so.It depends on the personal perceptions also.

Even if its not afflicted ,still it can produce some limiting situations for us.
You can take How strong is your Neptune test from Donna's Blog.This post has also an introduction about true neptunian characters.

Neptune is the eighth and farthest planet from the Sun in the Solar System. It is the fourth-largest planet by diameter and the third-largest by mass. Because of its great distance from the Sun, Neptune's outer atmosphere is one of the coldest places in the Solar System, with temperatures at its cloud tops approaching −218 °C (55 K).Its Gas Gient.

This mysterious planet can create a lot of confusion in native’s life as well as it can bless us with  creativity or imagination.But if this planet is afflicted in a chart it can produce some bad results too.So wherever our natal Neptune resides it affects that house .

Some well known Neptune traits are impressioanlble, dependency,gullible,vague,sensitivity,tendency towards day dream,deceitful, too trusting,boundaries issues,codependency ,victim-savior mentality.But in my opinion the most unique trait of Neptune is to create a BLINDSPOT where it resides.This means it keeps us away form the reality.often we see things through the rose tinted glass,or the way we want to see them.This is nothing but self-undoing or sabotaging ourselves.We have to guard against this self-deception.This world is full of traps where we often get tangled up but we should always be in a clear terms with ourselves.

Here I would like to take you to the Donna’s blog,where she has posted few very valuable articles on Neptune.In order to know your Neptune and where you stand with it,you should consult these  articles.
22 articles on Neptune.

VICTIM mentality :"Like all Neptunians, the unevolved type has a grand dream, but dwells in fantasy, confusing the vision with the manifestation as though it were already so. Rather than working diligently, these dreamers have a million excuses for why the Great American Novel never got written or why that call from Hollywood never came. They blame all those others who didn’t understand or support them.

Unevolved Neptunians regard themselves as victims, helpless to better their situation. They surrender their power to others or to their addictions, health problems, overwhelming life obstacles, or self-defeating patterns. They tend to be in denial about what is going on in such situations, blaming others for their difficulties rather than taking responsibility for their own actions and choices. They act out the victim role, forever looking for that knight in shining armor to rescue them or lift them out of their too-tedious reality"

"CODEPENDENCY: it is an addiction to an addict or to some other ­person. The obsession with trying to help or change that ­individual grows in strength until it takes over your life,­ giving you no peace. It doesn't change just because that person ­leaves, but instead can become a pattern carried over to new ­relationships. Melody Beattie, in her best-seller, Codependent No ­More, defined it in this way: "A codependent is one who has let­ another person's behavior affect him or her, and who is obsessed­ with controlling that person's behavior"

1) Codependent people will hide or even change their identity­ and feelings in  order to please and be close to others.

2) A sense of responsibility for meeting other people's needs comes first for codependents, even at the expense of their own needs. 

3) Low self-esteem and very little sense of self to begin with is common to most codependents.

4) Compulsions and addictions drive codependents and keep them from having to confront their deeper feelings.

5) Just like alcoholics and other addictive personalities, codependents hide behind denial and have a distorted­  relationship to will power."


Another trait of Neptune is ESCAPISM.These people often take an escape route when confronted with reality.They just tend to avoid some anxiety buried in the subconscious.But if they don't face this anxiety-provoking issue and take initiative to mitigate this problem,this can become a trouble.They often look for an easy way-out.Over active imagination also dont let them deal with their reality or self examination.Thats why often their dreams and goals don't become their leads to heart-ache.They should believe that most part of the life is based on cause and effect principle.Facing life will eventually give these people more control over their life.

So lets Take these Quizes
codependacy quiz 
Boundary Quiz

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