Friday, November 4, 2011

Life Path Numbers In Love


greeting for the day!!

I would like to share this page with all the numerology enthusiasts.The author has explained life path numbers in details.
you can read the same article which I have pasted here.

The 1 Life Path in Love 
We are most alive when we’re in love. 
—John Updike 


The 1 Life Path welcomes a partner who will cheerlead them into becoming a success in whatever profession they choose. It is even better if you can find work where you both can share being victorious. The 1 Life Path strives to be their best self and, if you are feeling down, they will encourage you to get back up again. The saying “Never give up, and never surrender” could easily have been first said by a 1 Life Path. You will definitely feel the love and support when a 1 Life Path believes in you. When it comes to romance, if you praise the 1 Life Path, they will dazzle you in ways you never imagined. Like drinking cool water in the hot desert, telling the 1 Life Path how special they are replenishes their very soul. So turn on the charm and the praise when your 1 Life Path comes home. And you will get everything you could ever hope for in a love relationship. The biggest pitfall for a 1 Life Path in a relationship is that they spend so much time processing everything in their mind. They have to learn to acknowledge what is going on in their heart and express the love they feel for the people in their life. When it comes to being intimate with their partner, they can run hot and cold. When they don’t want a relationship to continue, they can be completely unavailable, but when they do want it to happen, watch out baby! I think this has a lot to do with that perfectionist streak of wanting everything to be perfect. If there is any discord in the relationship, the 1 can shut down sexually. If they are willing to learn to trust that setbacks with their partner are temporary, then the sexual relationship can become a form of healing for the 1 Life Path. It’s all on how they deal with everyday life. Most 1 Life Paths need to learn to control their tempers. They are opinionated and often have well-thought-out ideas on how things should be. So when they suddenly blow up over something that bothered them, it can be overwhelming and can hurt their partners more than they intend to. The 1s, typically, can become upset, and then they will get right over it, but their partners won’t recover as quickly, and these outbursts can interfere with what could be a satisfying relationship. This is especially damaging if the 1 Life Path is with someone who’s a Challenge Number to them. At least a Natural Match like the 1, 5, 7 has a better understanding of what is going on with the 1 Life Path because they are also Numbers who are very cerebral. The other Numerology Life Paths might assume the outbreak is somehow their fault and ask themselves, “What did I do wrong?” The 1s tend to be pretty intuitive and do not hesitate when it comes to giving advice to others. They really want their partners to succeed, so sometimes the partner will feel criticized. But that’s not the intention of the 1 Life Path. They really just want their loved one to be successful, and incidentally, they wish the same thing for themselves. They can be hypercritical about themselves, and when you are critiquing yourself, how hard is it also to critique your partner? Not hard at all. 

The 2 Life Path in Love 
There is only one path to Heaven. On Earth, we call it Love. 
—David Viscott 

COMPATIBLE NUMBERS: 1, 3, 6, and 9 

When it comes to relationships, the 2 Life Path is someone you can usually count on. These are people who want to make sure everyone gets along. For example if you have a family and two of the siblings are fighting with each other, the 2 Life Path would behave as the mediator. That is why they often become counselors or social workers. They just want to bring peace to everyone. Unless they have numbers in their chart to make them more aggressive, they will follow whomever they consider a good leader. They don’t have a problem if they think you are good at what you do. When it comes to love, or moral support, if the 2 Life Path is living on the Positive side of this Number, this can be the most loving of all the Numbers. They really don’t want to fight. They are also extremely intuitive. They can just feel the truth of a situation, and if they learn to trust that inner voice, they will soon learn how often that voice is right. The Negative side of a 2 can lead to the 2 feeling miserable when they give too much (they can be the ultimate codependent) and feel responsible for everyone. The 2 must be careful not to allow that to happen in their relationships. If you love a 2 Life Path, try not to take advantage of their generosity. They can be very giving, and you should try to reciprocate even when you get comfortable with all that they have to give. Surprise them occasionally with flowers or a night on the town, something that tells them how much they matter to you. Otherwise your relationship will ultimately backfire. Remember, there are two sides of every Number, and when they live on the Negative side, the 2 can worry too much, become physically stressed, and as a result may become physically exhausted. So they must express themselves, get it out of their body to feel better. But when it comes to love, in all of my research in Numerology over 21 years, I have found that the 2 Life Path is the love Number. If you meet a 2 who is cold or aloof, that is not coming from the Life Path Number. It is coming from other Numbers in their Personal Numerology Chart. It is interesting to note that sexually they can be incredibly giving to their partner, doing exactly what their partner wants, but, because of their innate desire to please, the partner may not notice that they have needs as well. This can cause trouble because the next thing you know the 2 shuts down, doesn’t want to be touched or loved, and becomes frigid because heart-to-heart conversation is completely at a standstill. That is where counseling can help. If you are willing to work with the 2, you can get it back to the love that it once was. Such an outcome is always possible because the 2 loves being in love, and they really don’t want it to end and have to move on to somebody else. 

The 3 Life Path in Love 
Love is the master key which opens the gates of happiness. 
—Oliver Wendell Holmes 


When in a relationship, the 3 Life Path is very alive and passionate. When living on the Positive side of their Number, they can easily communicate what they feel. Their emotions are obvious. You can tell what is going on with them just by the sound of their voices. A healthy 3 is someone who laughs, has a great sense of humor, and has picked some kind of career in which they can creatively express themselves for a living. If they’re an unhealthy 3, they can feel sorry for themselves or complain about what is wrong with their world, or how unfair life has been. But that is not the norm. The 3s, by the way, are known for developing emotional crushes. They can be married or dating, and suddenly they have become obsessed with an actor, a political figure, or a business associate. They’ll eat, sleep, and breathe the one they’re fixated on. Be assured it doesn’t mean a thing. If you love a 3 Life Path, you need to know that’s just what they do. They have huge hearts and they really love people, and if they think someone they care about is being mistreated, they may obsess about it, because it really troubles them. Ride it out because it will pass. Their love for you is genuine. The 3 Vibration is loyal, and they want to love you forever. What can shut them down is the fear that you don’t care about them. They might feel that most of the love is coming from their side. This can cause a problem in the relationship, but if you tell each other what you think and feel, the relationship can remain stable. The 3 Vibration makes these people very appealing, and they are also good at dealing with trouble. They can handle a dramatic crisis because they like it when their life is never dull. If you love a 3, don’t be surprised when they appear overly dramatic. It is just their way of processing their lives. If you are involved with a 3 Life Path, take steps to keep the romance alive. A lovely restaurant with soft music playing is a good idea. If you normally are a little thrifty, splurging on the 3 Life Path is a wise decision. They will be grateful and want to do something special for you in return. 

The 4 Life Path in Love 
If you judge people, you have no time to love them. 
—Mother Teresa 

CHALLENGE NUMBERS: 1, 3, 5, and 9 

When a 4 Life Path is in a relationship, it is important that they are respected for taking care of their loved ones. They want to do a good job, and providing financial stability is important to them. If they can’t find a way to make ends meet, it will interfere with their love relationship. The 4 is direct. They will tell you what they think and feel, and often they need to learn the art of communication, to find a new way to express their thoughts, so as to not hurt their partner’s feelings. When it comes to being intimate, success lies in their willingness to let go. A part of them is so logical, they go through all the emotions and know what they are doing, but they don’t necessarily surrender to passion and that is something a 4 Life Path needs to work on. The more they are willing to get into the moment, the better it is for them and their partner. The 4 likes the things in their environment to be organized and everything in its place. For example, if a 4’s home is messy, that is not the norm for the 4 Life Path and tells you that something is troubling them. If you live with a 4 and are somewhat sloppy yourself, clean up your mess without them asking you to do so. You will score so many points, and the pleasantly surprised look on their face will be well worth it! The 4 must watch what comes out of their mouth (often a lethal weapon) and the 4 has to think before they argue with their partners. They should ask themselves, “Is this worth fighting over?” 4s always say they don’t want to fight, but somehow they know just what to say to provoke an argument. They do so because they are honest, and do not edit themselves when they speak. Also, 4s don’t always tell you what they are feeling. Sometimes they shut down emotionally, and that is something they need to stop doing if they want to sustain a life long relationship. You can count on 4 Life Path. Unless there are many Numbers in their chart to the contrary, they are very reliable. Another plus, they don’t like playing the field. They really do want a partner for life. Their home matters a great deal to them, and they usually have a way of making it cozy for all who visit. These people love to learn. The more they learn, the more they are fulfilled in life, and dispensing useful information to others makes them feel valued. They need their partner to encourage them to take some chances in life. Otherwise they’ll stay in a dead-end job just for the security of a paycheck. A 4 welcomes that kind of input from their partner. Their loved one’s encouragement is important to them. 

The 5 Life Path in Love 
Love one another and you will be happy. It’s as simple and as difficult as that. 
—Michael Leunig


If you are in a relationship with a 5 Life Path, or considering one, this is what you need to understand. First and foremost, 5s need to feel they have “freedom,” and it is your job to help them define exactly what that means. When they are single, the 5s may think they don’t want children. They can constantly change careers and often express a desire to move to different locations. Ultimately though, that might sound like a free spirit, but it is not. When the lights go out at night, they feel unhappy and wish they had someone with whom to share their life. That’s where you come in. The 5 can get married, have a settled life with children, and thrive. Still, there’s a trick to it. Sometimes they will feel as though the family with all of its wants and needs is depriving them of their “much needed space.” This is your cue to seem more independent, yourself. Help to keep the relationship lasting by encouraging the 5 to take a couple of days away from the family. There is the other kind of 5 Life Path that does not like the trappings of marriage and family. If they tell you that, you should listen. It is their truth. And pushing a 5 Life Path to do something they do not want to do is like pushing a rope. It does not work and will cause you great frustration. If you give the 5 Vibration plenty of space, they will happily come running back to you. A few days on their own will help them regain their balance. The Number 5 is often gifted at many things. If you are in love with a 5, encourage them to focus on one thing at a time, and complete it, before moving on to the next. Then, if you see them getting antsy and feeling, “Oh, you are trying to control me,” let them go and see what they do, because, again, they will come back, and trust me it won’t take too long. But if you try to restrict them, or tell them what to do, or how to feel, it will backfire with the 5 faster than with any other Number in Numerology. 

The 6 Life Path in Love 
Love at first sight is easy to understand; it’s when two people have been looking at each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle. 
—Sam Levenson 


The 6 is a strong, capable vibration. If anything, the 6 needs to learn that it is okay to ask for help. They must learn to trust and count on others, especially in love. On the other hand, it is not uncommon for a 6 Life Path to idealize their life partner, making them larger than life. As a result, the reality of their partner, who is only human, sets in and it is as if the rose-colored glasses have been suddenly yanked off their face. That beautiful golden haze the 6 was in when they first met their mate will clear away, and once again they will decide that they are the only capable one. In all truth, if you need help, the 6 will make sure it gets done. They are good at damage control. In fact, it is when things are out of control they are at their best. They don’t even know what to do when things go well. The 6 Life Path should try to find a way to either own or manage a company. If the 6 Life Path you love is working for someone else, it may cause them unhappiness. I advise you, as their partner, to encourage them to use their creativity and launch their own business. If you do, they will feel supported and better about their current situation because they will know you believe in them. In a relationship, they have a lot of trouble with criticism because they have such high standards for themselves, and they have this inner dialogue that is so demanding, that by the time their partner interjects with anything that sounds negative, it can upset them greatly. The other thing about a 6 Life Path is that sexually they really want to please their partner, but then when it is time for the partner to reciprocate, the 6 might not realize that their partner has no idea of what they want. So a 6 must learn to communicate their needs and desires in bed, because if they are unsatisfied, they start to feel rejected by their partner. In the worst-case scenario, they can completely shut down sexually. It is important that a 6 Life Path finds a way to talk to his or her partner more intimately, and keep the love alive.

The 7 Life Path in Love 
Loving people live in a loving world. Hostile people live in a hostile world. Same world. 
—Wayne W. Dyer

CHALLENGE NUMBERS: 2, 3, 6, 8, and 9 

How a relationship with a 7 Life Path succeeds really depends on whether the 7 has found a spiritual answer that has fulfilled them, or whether they are still seeking it. If they are still looking, you will find that they are hungry for knowledge. Whether it is picking up a book, attending a New Age conference, or exploring a variety of religious institutions, they are looking for the answers to life’s puzzles. They want to know why they are here and what their life’s purpose is. A word of caution: when you love a 7 who is abusing drugs or alcohol or engages in any other obsessive behavior, you will not know him or her as their true 7 Life Path self. When they are on track and have found the spiritual answer they have searched for, the 7s are so loving and willing to give of themselves. Still, there will be times when they have to dig within themselves to get the answers to the questions they seek and get very frustrated in their quest for a sacred truth, and during those times they can be hard to live with. When they finally realize that the ability to discern truth lies within them, and they have a breakthrough, they are a gift to all who know them. Nature usually plays a big role in their lives. They enjoy the scenic beauty and serenity that nature has to offer. Any large body of water such as a river, lake, or ocean can have a calming effect on them. If you can live near the water as couple, it is good for the relationship. If they find a spiritual truth that they can believe in, it will be a joy to listen to them talk about it. The 7 Vibration often has a soothing voice that is pleasant to listen to, and because this is true, make great radio broadcasters. Since they have such a love of nature and enjoy their solitude, being a captain of a ship or an airline pilot are also healthy career choices for them to make. If a 7 is happy in their career, it has a profoundly positive impact on their love relationship. When it comes to a loving relationship with you, once they surrender to being in the moment, it can be exhilarating. The sexual relationship will become fulfilling, but if the 7s get too cerebral, it will become your job to bring them back to earth. 

The 8 Life Path in Love 
Treasure the love you receive above all. It will survive long after your gold and good health have vanished. 
—Og Mandino 


If you are looking for love with an 8 Life Path, the first thing you need to know is that most 8 Life Paths must overcome their feelings about image. They generally have an opinion of what things are supposed to look and feel like and have a real need to keep up with the Joneses. That is a problem because the truth is, no matter how many material things they have, and most of them are good at acquiring them, that is not what is going to make them happy. Then there is the other kind of 8 Life Path, those who actually have issues about possessing money and are apt to put down those who have it. Theirs is a reverse snobbery. The first thing you’re going to want to know with the particular 8 you’re interested in is what’s going on with the financial side of their life, and how do they handle income? The 8s that work hard and are prosperous can be very generous, but there are others who panic, rush to put their money in the bank, and don’t want to spend a dime of it. Again, this is one of the first issues you’ve got to look at with an 8. When the 8 Life Paths make love, they sometimes get caught up in this perfection streak of what they think it is supposed to be like. These are the 8s who get caught up in performance anxiety. These 8s are not in the moment; they are not releasing and not able to let go. This is something a loving partner can help the 8 overcome. If you want to make your 8 Life Path happy, do take care of your body, and make that extra effort to look your best when you get together. Even if they do not mention it, it really matters to them. And trust me, if you make that special effort, they will proudly show you off as their partner. It is a trait of the 8 Life Path to care about their personal appearance, and if they gain a lot of weight or the 8 woman stops wearing makeup, this will definitely mess with their self-esteem. They can be very opinionated, and it is this trait they must overcome in order to be happy in a relationship. If you let them know why you love them, and point out all the things that you love about them, your praise will go a long way in making them appreciate and value you. And when an 8 Life Path sees you as their ally, you will feel their love completely. 

The 9 Life Path in Love 

One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love. 


The first thing I would say about the 9 is that they generally have a lot of charisma. Their wisdom draws people to them. But at the same time, these same people can feel subconsciously that the 9s are somehow superior to them. It is very important for a 9 in a relationship to make every effort to let their partners know they see them as an equal. What is also interesting is that the 9 appears to be completely self-contained in every way and always seems to be doing well. Yet inside they often feel that the weight of the world is on their shoulders and that they have too much responsibility. It is incredibly difficult for the 9 Life Path to ask for anyone’s help. In a relationship, the 9 Life Path must learn to let their partner know what their needs and desires are, so that the partner can actually help. If they don’t share their thoughts with their partner, there may come a day when the 9 will say, “I’m done here; I just can’t do it anymore.” Their partner will look at them in shock and say, “You never told me that there was a problem. You never even told me what you needed from me, and now you are leaving?” If the 9 Life Path you love has emotional scars from their childhood, be a sympathetic ear and help them work through their pain. If you find they will not let it go, find ways to be in the moment together like catching a comedic movie or playing a fun game together. Put on some silly music and dance in your living room! If you help them to get back in the moment and let go of the past, they will be very grateful to you. The 9 Life Path will try to be the world’s best parent and to avoid anything their parents did wrong. The 9 must learn that their sincere effort combined with love is more than enough, and that there really is no such thing as the “very best” parent. On the opposite end of the spectrum, this lack of honest and open discussion is especially serious for a 9 Life Path, because they actually have abandonment issues. They so fear and dread the pain of abandonment that sometimes they won’t allow themselves to connect completely with a partner, and eventually the partner leaves in frustration. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy: That which I have feared most has come upon me. So the 9 must confront and deal with this part of their personality. The 9 is a loving energy, and if you have a thriving relationship with one of them, you will want to pinch yourself to make sure you are not dreaming, because you have found such a wonderful human being. This is someone who is hardworkingand creative and willing to do whatever they can to help their fellow man.


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