Saturday, June 1, 2013

Winning Self esteem

Few words from The book called “Psychology Of Winning” by Dr.Denis Waitley,on self esteem

When we examine Losers and Low achievers, an attitude of low self-esteem seem to be the root of their problems…………winners learn  to understand that self-development is a lifetime  program. to establish true self esteem, we must concentrate on our success and look at the failures and negative in our lives only as corrective feedback to get us on target again…we need to base more of our actions and decisions on rational thinking rather than on emotions. Emotions are automatic subconscious reactions. To respond to the daily experience and challenges of life by reacting emotionally is to nullify the wisdom and power of the rational mind…

To develop and maintain the self esteem we need to find pleasure and pride in our current profession rather than looking for greener pastures else where…..right now, right where you are---making changes in your internal reactions rather than searching for external stimulation in a new environment.

One good indicator of an individual’s opinion of himself is the way he /she can accept compliment….Those who know who they are need not to be defensive—nor do they have to go out of their way to improve anything. Their solid self-esteem is quite enough to get them anywhere they want to go.

Winners are aware of their potential. They like who they are…accept yourself as you are right now---an imperfect, changing, growing and worth while person. Most successful people believe in their own worth, even when they have noting but a dream to hold on to.

Take action Today:
  1. Dress and look your Best at all the times, regardless of the pressure from your peers and friends.
  2. volunteer your own name first in every telephone  call and whenever you meet some one new
  3. take inventory of your good reasons for self esteem today…who and what you are thankful for…what have you done that you are proud of so far
  4. respond with a simple ,courteous “thank you” when some one pays you a compliment for any reason
  5. sit up front in the most prominent rows when you attend meetings, lectures or conferences
  6. walk more erectly and authoritatively in  public with a relaxed but more rapid pace
  7. Set your internal standards rather than comparing yourself to others. Keep upgrading your standards in lifestyle ,behavior, professional accomplishment
  8. Use encouraging, affirmative language when you talk to your self and others about yourself.
  9. keep a self development plan ongoing all the time. Sketch it out on  paper –the knowledge you will require, the behavior modification you will achieve. seek the real winners in life as friends and role models
  10. SMILE!!

Related Post : Are You Irrational??

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