Friday, November 9, 2012

Saturn in Scorpio - A victim of swindle in a past life
    In a past life you were too open and honest with others and people did take advantage. You never thought about keeping secrets and those with more devious personalities found it easy to get information from you. You may have suffered in some way because of this.
    That's why in this life you are more cautious, careful and even suspicious of other people's motives. You would need to know everything about someone before you let down your guard and trusted them with confidential information. You are serious in your endeavours and you will put a lot of effort into achieving your aims. You don't like wasting time. You don't like wasting money and this is all because in a past life you may have put a lot of effort into certain goals, only for someone else to get all the credit. Or you may have mixed with materialistic people who could spend and spend without having to think about the cost.

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