If there is one place on the face of earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India!
Romaine Rolland, French scholar
Hello Readers,
15th August is a very special day for us.On this very day 65 years ago at midnight India regained her independence from the Britain.The first prime minister of India Pundit Neheru hoisted our tri-colour flag at the Red-Fort.Then he said:
At the dawn of history India started on her unending quest, and trackless centuries are filled with her striving and the grandeur of her success and her failures. Through good and ill fortune alike she has never lost sight of that quest or forgotten the ideals which gave her strength.
Jawaharlal Nehru
Indian Declaration of Independence, on eve of independence, August 15 1947.
Before I write anything else I want to pay my respect to all of those brave men and women who gifted this Independence day to us,snatching it out after a long long battle with every possible kinds of oppression and oppositions.I feel a shiver go down on my spine,just to imagine the kind of dark days our forefathers must have endured,how the whole world had witnessed heinous crimes against a human race by a fellow human race...but its over now,so lets not forget the contributions of our people.I salute them.
On this historical day ,I wanted to write some thing different to honor my country.So I have this idea,to discuss about past ,present and future of our India from an unique point of view..I hope that you will like my idea...I wish to explore my country in a new way.
you probably know your zodiac sign.Do you know the zodiac of India?
Not many people knows about it.Let me tell you.Its CAPRICORN.Mountain goat is the symbol of the zodiac sign Capricorn.Saturn is the ruler of the capricorn.
This Saturn factor can be seen in many ways.
example:another vital day i.e republic day is on 26th January.
if we add the whole date 15-08-1947,the total is 8.Here we can say the life path of our country is 8.
below you can see the complete list.
Zodiacal Signs & Countries
England, Germany, Poland, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Lithuania
Tasmania, Cyprus, Ireland, Switzerland, Capri, Rhodes, the Greek Islands
Belgium, Iceland, Sardinia, Morocco, Wales, Tunisia
Holland, USA, Paraguay, Scotland, New Zealand
France, Italy, Macedonia, Romania, Sicily, Madagascar, Zanzibar
Brazil, Greece, Switzerland, Turkey, Crete, Uruguay, West Indies
Argentina, Austria, Burma, Canada, China, Japan, Siberia, Tibet
Bavaria, Norway, Morocco, Queensland, Korea, Syria, the Transvaal
Australia, Chile, Hungary, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain
Bulgaria, Mexico, UK, Albania, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Lithuania, India
Finland, Iran, Russia, Sweden, Syria, Ethiopia
Egypt, Normandy, North Africa, Portugal, Samoa, Scandinavia.
Saturn & business/economy
Saturn and number 8 is associated with business and finance. From the ancient times forging business relationships with India has been of a great importance among other countries around the world.Be it silk,spices, precious jewels etc.India has been a resouceful and wealthy country, rather, a golden lure to the world.Somnath temple was looted by Sultaan MAMUD of GAZNI for 17 times,repeatedly.Then came Europian treaders.Less resourceful and weather-battered Britain saw its industrial revolution with the help of the money of INDIA.In modern era India is a huge market for a foreign investors.Our industries are also making it marks in the world stages. India has long been considered a country of unrealised potential. A new spirit of economic freedom is now stirring in the country, bringing sweeping changes in its wake.
spitituallity and exotic culture:
Few countries in the world have such an ancient and diverse culture as India's. Stretching back in an unbroken sweep over 5000 years, India's culture has been enriched by successive waves of migration which were absorbed into the Indian way of life.It is this variety which is a special hallmark of India. Its physical, religious and racial variety is as immense as its linguistic diversity. Sanskrit ,which is the most oldest language and mother of all modern languages,were used in India.
India is the land of sages and Gurus.Swami Vivekananda has pointed out that every civilization or culture has a particular life-centre, a dominant characteristic or trend. According to him the life-centre of Indian culture is spirituality. By spirituality is meant a way of life oriented to the ultimate purpose or goal of life which is the realization of the Supreme Spirit or God. Besides Hindus, Muslims are the most prominent religious group and are an integral part of Indian society. In fact India has the second largest population of Muslims in the world after Indonesia.
When I read the Bhagavad-Gita and reflect about how God created this universe everything else seems so superfluous.
Albert Einstein
Saturn & Responsibility:
65 years is a very small time span but I am proud to say that how much India has achieved by this small time is quite a remarkable.. after the Independence was granted India was left with nothing.There were solid structures to be made,then there was a responsiblity to eleminate poverty and illiteracy from the country ,building industries to get a competitive edge in the global economy was the priorities.
Saturn & family structure:In our social structure,family is the basic institution of a society.Every children are taught the value of responsiblity towards soceity and elderly people.
Personally I think,the family culture is very stringent and conservative in India,in comparison to other countries.families are closely knitted where father figures are the authority.Here people observes rules and cultures of the society.Here children get protection of their families even after they are adults.
Saturn- the serpent:
In vedic astrology saturn is described as a serpent.At the time of British rule, European people used to think of India as a land of poisonous snakes and the land of the snake charmers.
Saturn & poverty:
saturn is not the planet of excess,it consticts.India has a biggest issues with poverty. At least 40% of the total population are in grip of poverty.some are intetioanlly made by explotation of poor.Most of the cities has beggars.
Saturn and rules:
Rules and regulations are the most important part of the Saturn.There is a specialty of our constitution.
It is the longest written constitution of any sovereign country in the world, containing 395 articles in 24 parts, 12 schedules and 94 amendments, for a total of 117,369 words in the English language version.constitution is the supreme authority of India.Justice system is very well thought out and democratic in India.saturn is associated with heirarchy and structure.There are various levels of judiciary in India — different types of courts have different styles of judges. They also form a strict hierarchy of importance, in line with the order of the courts in which they sit, with Supreme Court of India at the top, followed by High Courts of respective states with district judges sitting in District Courts and Magistrates of Second Class and Civil Judge (Junior Division) at the bottom.
saturn and politics:
India's democracy is a known and stable factor, which has taken deep roots over nearly half a century. Importantly, India has no fundamental conflict between its political and economic systems. Its political institutions have fostered an open society with strong collective and individual rights and an environment supportive of free economic enterprise.
Saturn and culture of education:
Today, India is one of the most exciting emerging markets in the world. Skilled managerial and technical manpower that match the best available in the world and a middle class whose size exceeds the population of the USA or the European Union, provide India with a distinct cutting edge in global competition.There is a culture of education and gathering knowledge among Indian people.every year India produces the largest numbers of engineers and doctors among the world.
Saturn & energy/power:
All the product beneath the land are ruled by saturn.Coal is one of the primary sources of energy, accounting for about 67% of the total energy consumption in the country. India has some of the largest reserves of coal in the world. Indian coal has high ash content and low calorific value. However, with the present rate of around 0.8 million tons average daily coal extraction in the country, the reserves are likely to last over a 100 years. The energy derived from coal in India is about twice that of energy derived from oil, as against the world, where energy derived from coal is about 30% lower than energy derived from oil.
India has the world's largest deposits of coal. Bituminous coal is found in Jharia and Bokaro in Bihar and Ranigunj in West Bengal. Lignite coals are found in Neyveli in Tamilnadu.Next to Russia, India has the largest supply of Manganese.India also produces third quarters of the world's mica.
above link can provide further information.
India - The land of Vedas, the remarkable works contain not only religious ideas for a perfect life, but also facts which science has proved true. Electricity, radium, electronics, airship, all were known to the seers who founded the Vedas.
Wheeler Wilcox, American poet
slow ,delayed and pragmatic pace is the trade mark of Saturn.And these things are quite common with India too. whereas England ,whose zodiac is Aries, took swift action to colonize various countries in the world while India was busy with own past glory.After the independence the advancement is happenning but in a steady but slow pace..we often have found delay with our trafic,any govt realted job, any decision to pass in the perliament.as if delibarate is the speed of our country.
Saturn rules past.we Indians are always glorified to think about out past.
Most of the people in our country is working class or farmer.Saturn makes us do hard work.Saturn was originally an agricultural god and concerned with sowing seeds.Our vast lands are used mostly for agriculture.from the ancient times India was known for its agriculture.Natural beauty of the country is the another factor which never fails to attract visitors.
India is nodoubt a natural climber and very ambitious.Ready tomake her marks in the worlds economy and politics.some times she might seem diminutive and quiet but she has a steely determination which is unwavering.Yet the very smell of her earth is very welcoming and humble.Success is the most important thing to her.she craves authority but not with out tact and deplomacy,which we can be seen in her interest to get a permanenet place in UN. because this country's role is "crucial" for stability in the Asian region. India hate appearing rude and make unneccesary enemies.Nonviolence was the right answer against ever aggressive and invading country like Britain..
Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary.-mahatma gandhi.
as the story of the rabbit and the tortoise goes,the slow but steady win the race,our country will come out at top one day as a future super power of Asia.The land of lord Buddha,the land of Mahatma Gandhi will teach the mantra of non-violence and forgiveness which might cure the curse of terrorism.
till then...
So far as I am able to judge, nothing has been left undone, either by man or nature, to make India the most extraordinary country that the sun visits on his rounds. Nothing seems to have been forgotten, nothing overlooked.
Mark Twain
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