Monday, December 2, 2013

How Good Are you Turning Your Bad Moods Around? Part II

Contd Results :

Every one has days when they feel some what overwhelmed...its just part of life.If you have received High Score  on this  test ,you are probably those people who are quite good at puting bad times behind....if you have received a low score ,you could reduce the times you feel bad by learning more effective coping strategies...high Scorers have  a firm belief that they can influence their mood while low scorer feels helpless.

we must help these later group of people understand if they take proper acion it can distupt their negative emoion,they donot have to be the passive victims of either circumstances or mood...Low scorer can get help from a particular approach called "Solution focused therapy"

In this apprach low scoring people are asked to keep record of degree of stress felt each day.if the person finds a perticular day when he felt less stressed,he should try to recollect what did that day,or where did he go etc. keeping the record can help us to see a pattern.

helping people gain their sense of control is most important  component of solution focused therapy.hence the low scoring people should focus on identifying solution that work best for you.keep chart of your negative emotions.Some days will be beter that the others,and you have to identify what you did differently on your good days .Yes,its true that some people are more fortunate than others ,but none of us are helpless about doing something about our circumstances.As long as you beleive you can make differnce ,you will.All you have to do is identify that work for you.

Source:Psychologist's Book of Personality Tests

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