" before Sigmund Freud introduced psychiatry to western medicine ,face reading was the only system used throughout the world for understanding people's character"
From the earliest times human being have had read each others face to survive.Face reading can be useful for finding talents or what are you good at.This can give real indication for your personal styles.When it comes to a particular job ,personal-style varies man-to-man. this different style teaches us many things about ourselves and how can we hone our talents by assimilating useful ingredients which we see others apply.Half of a life lesson involves learning to recognize and use our talents effectively, no matter how much or how less talented we are .On the other hand face-reading helps us to understand how to handle the flip-side of talent.
If you want to start reading faces , eye-brows are the good part to begin with.thinking patterns can be understood by the eye-brows. as we all know our thinking pattern defines what kind of person we are.when reading eyebrows , experts' has advices to observe them individually.Then only we can find the amount of hair , the shape , hair distribution clearly.
"Distribution of hair tells how a person handles details.The pattern that shows on one physical eyebrows parallels the pattern that will show with one real life project"- Rose Rosetree.
According to Barbara Roberts , eye brows say the degree of friendliness.over all eye brows represents basic character and nature.
people with eye brows that starts thick but fades away at the end has the talent to start new project but often finds it difficult to finish what they have started ,due to lack of interest at the middle.If the eyebrows thins out half way across,typically the person will loose interest half-way through project. We need to see the eyebrows carefully to understand that.other than that , these people are quick to take decisions.
In my case just at the start of the brows ,hair distribution is not that thick but through most of the length its hairy.I am bit pragmatic when it comes to start a new project,I confess.but if I start any thing I always finish that.This delay-at-the-beginning can happen due to many reasons.I am bit perfectionist, cautious but I really prefer a well-thought-out plan to work on.Quick and dirty jobs are not for me.who ever has this type of brows will admit that they might take time to get in to the motion but their end results are generally "perfect " in nature.
There are another group of brows which fall in between these two groups-- a well distributed hairy brows.
These people can handle details well and they starts and finishes projects with ease. Often their taught flows smoothly.But these people lacks the tolerance, for the people who are not like them.because they tend to think, if it was easy for them , that means its easy for every body.its not the case in reality. specially when it comes to the two category discusses above.
The lesson of face-reading or any subject that deals with INDIVIDUALITY, often teaches us when to tolerate, how to cultivate patience in order to deal with others.
Lets look at the over all hairy-ness.The amount of the hair shows how much details a person can handle at any given time.The more thicker it is the more intellectual the person is.These people can juggle many projects at the same time.They like complexity.They tend to get noticed for their intellectual power.Bushy eye-brows can be abrupt .dominating, intense.
On the other hand a thinner eye brows are not much of a multitasker. they love simplicity. they are adaptable and less bullish.these people can be sensitive. gentle and they easily get anxious.
question: can you tell what kind of eyebrows the woman in the picture has?
Friday, July 6, 2012
Careers for ENFP Personality Types
Whether you're a young adult trying to find your place in the world, or a not-so-young adult trying to find out if you're moving along the right path, it's important to understand yourself and the personality traits that will impact your likeliness to succeed or fail at various careers. It's equally important to understand what is really important to you. When armed with an understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, and an awareness of what you truly value, you are in an excellent position to pick a career which you will find rewarding.ENFPs generally have the following traits:
- Project-oriented
- Bright and capable
- Warmly, genuinely interested in people; great people skills
- Extremely intuitive and perceptive about people
- Able to relate to people on their own level
- Service-oriented; likely to put the needs of others above their own
- Future-oriented
- Dislike performing routine tasks
- Need approval and appreciation from others
- Cooperative and friendly
- Creative and energetic
- Well-developed verbal and written communication skills
- Natural leaders, but do not like to control people
- Resist being controlled by others
- Can work logically and rationally - use their intuition to understand the goal and work backwards towards it
- Usually able to grasp difficult concepts and theories
Character actor
Interior decorator
Public relations
Marketing consultant
Advertising account
Copy writer/publicity
Advertising creative
Strategic planner
Research assistant
Editor/art director
Holistic health
practitioner (alternative medicine)
Massage therapist
Employee assistance
program counselor
Physical therapist
Legal mediator
Special education
Bilingual education
Early childhood
education teacher
Child welfare
addiction counselor
Social worker
(elderly and child daycare issues)
Development director
Career counselor
Residential housing
director (residence life)
Pastoral counselor
Rehabilitation worker
Social scientist
Human resources
Human resources
development trainer
Conference planner
development specialist
consultant: change management/team building/diversity
Merchandise planner
manager-human resources
Advertising account
manager or account executive
Public relations
Marketing executive:
radio/TV cable broadcast industry
enfp Focuses more on possibilities for the future than the here-and-now
Enjoys change, challenge, and variety
"outgoing, social, disorganized, easily talked into doing silly
things, spontaneous, wild and crazy, acts without thinking,
good at getting people to have fun, pleasure seeking, irresponsible,
physically affectionate, risk taker, thrill seeker,
likely to have or want a tattoo, adventurous, unprepared, attention
seeking, hyperactive, irrational, loves crowds, rule
breaker, prone to losing things, seductive, easily distracted, open,
revealing, comfortable in unfamiliar situations,
attracted to strange things, non punctual, likes to stand out, likes to try
new things, fun seeker, unconventional,
energetic, impulsive, empathetic, dangerous, loving, attachment prone,
prone to fantasy"
They have
excellent interpersonal skills, and are able to inspire and motivate others
to be the best that they can be. Energetic and
effervescent, the ENFP is sometimes smothering in their enthusiasm, but are
generally highly valued for their genuine warmth
and high ideals."
ENFP Summary: enthusiastic, initiating, anticipates the needs of
ENFPs have a tendency to overextend themselves in both their physical
and emotional commitments. Their proclivity to
procrastinate and to overlook details complicates their circumstances.
ENFPs often move on to new ventures without completing
those they have already started. Their charming personalities can show
signs of irritability and over-sensitivity when their
desires to please different people come into conflict. During times of
stress, ENFPs feel alienated. They then engage in
deceptions that serve to obscure what is occurring within themselves."
Warmly enthusiastic and imaginative.
See life as full of possibilities. Make connections between events and
information very
quickly, and confidently proceed based on the patterns they see. Want a lot
of affirmation from others, and readily give
appreciation and support. Spontaneous and flexible, often rely on their
ability to improvise and their verbal fluency.
ENFP's who find themselves in a
situation where they are unable to discover and enjoy new people and things
tend to get
whiny. Really whiny. And manipulative. And possibly passive aggressive.
ENFPs, however, find their own
efforts of authenticity and spontaneity
always lacking, and tend to heap coals of fire on themselves, always
berating themselves for being so conscious of self.
General: ENFPs are both
"idea"-people and "people"-people, who see everyone and
everything as part of an often bizarre
cosmic whole. They want to both help (at least, their own definition of
"help") and be liked and admired by other people, on
both an individual and a humanitarian level. They are interested in new
ideas on principle, but ultimately discard most of
them for one reason or another.
Social/Personal Relationships: ENFPs have a great deal of zany charm, which
can ingratiate them to the more stodgy types in
spite of their unconventionality. They are outgoing, fun, and genuinely
like people. As Soulmates they are warm, affectionate
(lots of PDA), and disconcertingly spontaneous. However, attention span in
relationships can be short; ENFPs are easily
intrigued and distracted by new friends and acquaintances, forgetting about
the older ones for long stretches at a time. Less
mature ENFPs may need to feel they are the center of attention all the
time, to reassure them that everyone thinks they're a
wonderful and fascinating person."
This type is hard to pin down because it
is a very flexible type, following new insights and possibilities as they
arise. It tends
to be future-focused and enjoys change, challenge and variety.
The ENFP has a tendency to be more interested in exploring ideas than
bringing them to closure, and is at his or her best
dealing with patterns and possibilities: a strategist."
"Also known as the Inspirer.
ENFPs are instigators of change who have the ability to energize and stimulate
people with their
contagious enthusiasm and charm.ENFPs make extensive use of their intuitive
powers. They usually have a wide range of personal and
telephone contacts, expanding and maintaining both career and personal
As workers, they are warmly
high spirited, ingenious, imaginative and can do almost anything that
interest them. They can solve most problems,
particularly those dealing with people. Their charming and at ease with
colleagues; others enjoy their presence. ENFPs are
outstanding at getting people together, and are good at initiating meetings
and conferences, although not as talented at
providing for the operational details of these events. "ENFPs will
almost always be found in organizations where they lead by inspiration and
charisma. One CEO referred to his ENFP
Human Resources director as the company’s "secret weapon."
"ENFPs are open-minded,
imaginative, caring and outgoing. They thrive on the drama of life by observing
enthusiastically and associating meaning and human motive with all they
survey. To the ENFP, no life event is devoid of
significance--a belief which may justify others' perception of them as
hyperalert, oversensitive and even suspicious at
times. Charming, interactive, charismatic, communicative and ingenious,
ENFPs often are expansive in their approach to life,
love and work--multitalented individuals who may succeed in a number of
creative endeavors, so long as a strong human element
is present. "Do this, do that!" jobs demanding strict compliance
with rules, regulations and procedures, and attention to
logic, facts and details are stressful for most ENFPs. Their
characteristically short attention span and diversity of
interests may sabotage their accomplishment in enterprises demanding
tenacity and single-mindedness. This type's natural gift
for inspiring others often is their salvation: the projects ENFPs start may
be completed by their followers. "
They’re unique, original and often good communicators.
They love new ideas and possibilities.
Warm, friendly and often smart
They have a lot of different interests.
They don’t like rules and details.
"The basic theme of the ENFP's
life is self-expression. The 1960s emphasis on self-awareness and group
dynamics, the
conversation pits where talk of peace and low and flower power took place,
epitomise the values of the ENFP. The more that
people can be themselves - and be affirmed for being themselves - the more
growing they will do and the more they will
attribute to the good of society. ENFPs believe that and will give their
energies to help others achieve their goals. It's
possible, however, for their enthusiasm to lead them in so many directions
simultaneously that they can squander their best
intentions, leading to frustration and self-punishment."
ENFP Keywords: Curious, Creative, Fresh, Expedient, Flexible, Full of life,
Mercurial, Sensitive,
Understanding, Imaginative, Innovative, Excited, Impatient
The ENFP will bring much energy to
their marriage/relationships
The ENFP will have no difficulty apologizing to mate and children when
The ENFP is very friendly, outgoing in most situations
The ENFP is strongly communicative and NEEDS it from a mate
ENFPs can be very harmonious in relationships/li>
ENFPs enjoy romance in all ways…they NEED romance
ENFP Conflict Reactions Personality
ENFP will likely feel uncomfortable, misunderstood in conflict
ENFP will likely take the conflict personally
ENFP will desire to find a harmonious solution to the problem
ENFP will not usually take the most logical approach to finding the
"Must have newness, something
different in their life
Possesses a deep concern for others
Is typically running off in new directions without much fact
Is usually a natural brain-stormer looking to the future with positive
Is very creative, active and imaginative
Enjoys beginning new things more than finishing
Is typically spontaneous, flexible, and adaptable
Will be concerned with personal growth, identity, and being authentic
Need autonomy to be free in expression and believe others should also
Is typically attracted to the abstract and symbolic, will be at times
highly challenged by detailed, present oriented reality
Highly idealistic they believe in their visions for self and others"
They place great importance on
personal freedom
and prize the ability to go wherever inspiration leads. ENFPs are typically
adept communicators, using their wit, humor, and
mastery of language to create engaging stories. Creative and original,
ENFPs often have a strong artistic side; they
appreciate activities that allow for authentic expression and a deeper
understanding of human experience. ENFPs love novelty.
They often have a wide range of interests and friends from many
backgrounds. ENFPs are easily bored by details and repetition
and seek out situations that offer engaging emotional experiences."
"ENFP's prefer careers where:
Management allows people to be self directed
The work itself is personally meaningful and has value
Decisions and actions at work are in sync with your personal values
The work offers the opportunity to rapidly change direction and to respond
to problems as they arise
The work is fun and allows for some spontaneity
The work allows you the opportunity to work with and meet a wide variety of
people, rather than working alone most of the
The work moves at a rapid, exciting pace
The environment and culture gives you opportunities to think through your
ideas by talking about them
The work involves theory and speculation"
ENFPs often change careers several
times during their lifetimes
and seek out careers not confined by strict schedules and mundane tasks,
but provide a flexible environment that challenges
them with new opportunities to see their innovations become reality.
Leadership Style: Empowering and encouraging freedom and independence in
others, ENFPs believe leadership is granted by
integrity, not position. They recognize and are genuinely empathic toward
their followers' individual needs. They promote new
ideas, possibilities, and are catalysts in the implementation of change.
Art Director
Career Counselor
Conference Planner
Church Worker
Human Resources
Housing Director
Merchandise Planner
Massage Therapist
Occupational Therapist
Public Relations
Project Manager
Social Worker
Speech Pathologist
Social Scientist
Senior Manager
Technical Specialist
Nearly all ENFPs will recognize the following characteristics in
themselves. They should embrace and nourish these strengths:
They're exceptionally perceptive about people and situations. The're often
able to quickly and accurately assess where someone is coming from.
They accept and value people as individuals, and are strongly egalitarian.
They believe that individuals have the right to be themselves, and are very
tolerant and accepting of most people.
They're often deep and intelligent, and may be quite brilliant in their
ability to tie things together. They're wired to look for connections int the
external world, and so may mentally put things together more easily than many.
Their interest in understanding the world usually makes them in tune with
what's socially acceoptable and what isn't. This may help them to be popular
and likable.
They're highly creative. This ability may be used in an artistic way, or
way to be used to generate ideas and new ways of thinking.
ENFPs who have developed their Introverted Feeling to the extent that they
apply judgment to all of their perceptions will enjoy these special gifts:
They will have the ability to follow through on projects they've begun.
They will be less gullible and malleable, and generally more able to
discern between "good" and "bad", rather than accepting
everything without question.
They may be highly artistic.
They will have the ability to focus and concentrate deeply on tasks. This
enhanced ability to think and process information internally will make them
more capable on many levels.
They will balance out their desire to meet new people and have new
experiences with the desire to put their understand to use in some way.
They will find more meaning and purpose in their lives.
Be on your Guard
if you are serious about filing your life with love and laughter remember that such projects is not just fun or a joke.It is a very serious business,So watch for people who will try to take advantage of your new attitude to life and living.Don't help people because they WANT help, for there are many too lazy to help themselves.Hep those who NEED help,and help them to help themselves.Keep away from flatterers and from the cynics who cloak their selfishness by saying that it never pays to help others and warn you that the world is full of crooks and cheats and idlers.They tell you to look after your own interests and let the rest of the world rot. Keep watch and go on making the world a happier place to live in.
vocational guide report:
This report is designed to serve as a guide in finding your true vocation. At the same time an analysis of your personal characteristics, strengths or inhibitions, unused potential, karma, creativity, ability to earn money, work in relation to your employment etc., is given. At the end you will find a synthesis of the foregoing that will help you to summarize and clarify your mission in this life. Throughout this report numerous indications of possible vocations or professions related to your astrological influences are outlined. It is suggested that you reflect on this information within yourself so that in the end your own intuition can lead you to the best selection. |
Your individuality. Your personality.
Your emotional needs. Your mentality.
Your emotional needs. Your mentality.
To find the ideal profession, you have to know yourself first. There are activities you are suited for according to your nature, and others you are not. Your ideal occupation should favor the expression of your individuality (Sun) and your personality (Rising Sign), satisfy your emotional needs (Moon) and permit the development of your intellect (Mercury). |
Your individuality: Sun in Virgo
You were born under the sign of VIRGO and your ruling planet is Mercury, which endows you with outstanding mental qualities. Your Sun sign is MUTABLE and this will impel you to function as a COMMUNICATOR, either in thought or action. You won't feel comfortable in a leadership position, but rather in a subordinate position or service. One of your functions is to help others to solve their problems. Virgo is an EARTH sign and this makes you realistic, practical and concrete. You will have a strong desire to accomplish material goals and need to feel that your career or enterprises permit you to grow a little more each year. You are shy, intelligent and analytical and want to have everything in order in your surroundings. You have a strong practical sense of life and can easily solve your problems and tasks. You are very responsible and industrious, but may lack a sense of pride, which will not cause you to valorize your own efforts, though. Waiting for recognition from others could result in deceptions and could easily hurt your feelings. You give excessively to others and because of this you forego many of your personal ambitions. Your natural shyness allows you to have a very rich inner life with very deep feelings. You are very loyal with your friendships; they probably will not be many, but they will be lasting. You have great ability to analyze, see the details of each situation and want to make everything perfect. You are very demanding with yourself and your nervousness could affect your health. You were born to study, to develop your intelligence, to organize, to solve problems, to put in order, and mainly, to serve. One of your missions is to see that those around you discover and develop their potential. Your ability to analyze and see the details will teach others to be more penetrating and perfective. You were born to cure, to alleviate and solve material problems as well as those involving health. To evolve, your spirit needs to learn to develop greater self-confidence. You will have to conquer your fears, your insecurity and the shyness that immobilizes you at times, as well as the tendency to hypochondria, to generate your health problems and to limit your own freedom. You should avoid skeptical, somber and cold attitudes, or the tendency to exaggerate, criticize and being negative. The expression of your personality could be limited by hysterics and diseases or the tendency to think too much about things and not to act on them. |
Your personality: Ascendant in Aquarius
Others see you as a rebellious, original, spontaneous and very unusual person. You are active, electrical and free, and you can't tolerate routine or being tied down. You are curious and extremely intelligent. Your mind and your ideas are aimed toward the future and because of this, you rebel against traditions and morals or any kind of limitation to your life. You are a free and renewing person and your principal ideas are in agreement with the New Age. Criticism doesn't bother you, and a lot of times your unusual behavior attracts peoples attention. You are very sociable, congenial and not at all prejudicial, which allows you to have an intense social life. You also tend to easily lose your patience, especially when you become bored. You are freedom-loving and always act very independently. The profession you choose will have to stimulate your curiosity and creativity and your desire to increase your knowledge a little more each day. Avoid routine, conventional, boring and solitary jobs or those that limit your personal freedom too much. |
Your emotional needs: Moon in Libra
You express your emotions with much warmth and sweetness, especially to those people you love. You are very devoted to your mate, associates or close friends and depend much on their opinions. You make an effort to adapt yourself and to please others in order to be accepted. One of your problems is your doubt at times of making important decisions. You tend to hesitate and most of the time need others opinions before making your own decision. You have a warm way of expressing yourself that allows you to easily relate to others. You are complacent, amiable and diplomatic and try not to hurt others feelings. Because of this, you sometimes hold back your real opinions. A pacifier by nature, you try to avoid direct confrontations. You enjoy quiet, well decorated and harmonious places and detest improper behavior, rudeness and roughness. You are popular in your social circle and receive many favors and demonstrations of fondness. On the other hand, you have a strong sense of beauty that will allow you to do well in artistic areas. This astrological influence brings the possibility of gaining prominence and social recognition, especially if your customary work brings you in touch with the public. Subconsciously, you have a strong fear of emotional uncontrollableness and violence and because of this, you continually seek balance. In previous lives you may have depended entirely on other people for your survival or you may have been submitted to an association, marriage or some other family link without being able to develop your personality. Because of this, you now find a sense of life when you are with others, but have strong doubts at the time of showing your own needs. In this incarnation you have to learn to express yourself with individualism, without the great fear of losing or complicating your present situation, and you have to abandon the silence or repression that drives you to bear a grudge toward your superiors or co-workers. The profession you choose will have to satisfy your emotional need to please and to be accepted. You need to be in touch with people and to find that your presence provides peace, harmony and a solution to conflicts between two or more parties. You also need to express your creativity and your enjoyment of beauty and art. |
Your mentality: Mercury in Virgo
You have a very analytical and logical mind which allows to see the details of each situation. You are very intelligent and have the ability to understand difficult and abstract problems. You look for perfection in everything you do, but if you feel that you cannot achieve it, you will quit. You are very devoted to studies, especially when you feel that you are studying a useful and practical subject. You have a very critical vision of the world and are very demanding with your job as well as with your personal relationships; you easily discover the mistakes or weaknesses of others. Your way of communicating you could be quite limited because you are very shy. Your logical and impersonal mind tends to make you impartial and detached. You may have a lot of interest in scientific and research projects, in medicine, hygiene, nourishment, mathematics, etc. Also, your ability for observation will allow you to capture the characteristic behavior of people around you, and you enjoy doing imitations of them. You are very honest, but may be intolerant with less intelligent people or you may become too skeptical. |
Your abilities and your emotions, inhibitions and strengths.
Hidden talents or challenges, Karma.
The location of the planets in the houses and the relationship between them can increase or decrease their power. Aspects of the Sun are related to our strength and those of the Moon affect the emotional world and are expressed on a subconscious level. |
Sun in house 8
Your success is related to the possessions and financial administration of other people, or making investments or transactions with others. Very perceptive and intuitive, you also may be interested in the hidden sciences and the mysteries of life, which may incline you to investigate. You have to learn to rely on your instincts and impressions. Throughout your life you are likely to receive legacies that will benefit your personal heritage; these could come through an inheritance or through marriage. |
Aspects that affect your INDIVIDUALITY:
Aspects that affect your EMOTIONS:
Moon in house 8
You are very intuitive and likely to have psychic experiences. You are attracted to mysteries and the hidden sciences, and your intuition may accurately predict events or premonitory dreams may reveal the outcome of facts. On the other hand, you have great ability to handle other people's money or possessions. Throughout your life you may be favored by legacies, inheritances, gifts or marriage to a rich person. |
Moon harmoniously aspects Mars Orb 1° 14'
You undertake your endeavors with great enthusiasm and your energy seems to be contagious to others. You are constructive, decisive and make your decisions rapidly. Others will rely on you and seek your support and containment. You tend to have an abundance of physical energy which makes you qualified for activities that require physical effort. |
Hidden talents: Capricorn in house 12
You have a tendency to hide your authoritative ability and to shun your responsibilities. Because of your inner insecurities, you try to avoid leading positions. Others probably won't realize your fears due to your unpredictable and rebellious appearance. However, they will be reflected in your capricious or immature behavior that lets you escape any obligation or tie. There could be great obstacles in your career or it may be impossible to have one. You will have to learn to develop patience and the necessary perseverance to accomplish each one of your goals, due to the fact that you tend to abandon them half- way through. Older people or people of old spirit (not implying age) don't favor you, neither does permanency in closed places with artificial lighting. |
Success in life depends to a great extent on the balance between giving and receiving, expanding and retracting. Even dwelling on the one and only failure you may have had is like not attempting anything. |
Expansion: Jupiter in Sagittarius
Your sense of expansion manifests through your intellectual capacity and your knowledge. To become more successful in life, it would be wise to obtain a college degree. You have a very positive view of abundance and your ethical and moral principles probably were developed early on. You have a strong sense of justice and are drawn to religion. Very tolerant with others, you are respectful of their opinions and views, even when they are opposite to your way of thinking. You are very idealistic and cherish your freedom. You are likely to accomplish much throughout your life and may get to know the cultures of many different countries. If you locate in a different country than that of your birth, you could obtain great growth and happiness. |
Jupiter in house 10
You are likely to have great professional success with many opportunities to advance and grow. Because of your leadership ability, self-confidence and integrity, you would do well in law or as a manager in any company. Your material growth is bound to the application of your strong sense of justice and morality. You are proud, materialistic and ambitious, and will receive recognition at an early age. Your professional work will be extensive and you will feel that you have accomplished a great deal in your life. |
Jupiter Conjunct Uranus Orb 1° 42'
You have a deep respect for knowledge and feel that you must learn everything there is to know. You are attracted to anything new and progressive and are generous and very encouraging to your friends. You also may have opportunity for unexpected travel. |
Retraction: Saturn in Scorpio
The inhibition principle affects your libido and the expression of your strength. You have tremendous willpower, energy and intensity to face life. You have a magnetic personality, and you demand much of yourself and others, though your approach will be subtle, persistent and determined. You make an effort to contain or repress your energies; you don't easily show the intensity of your feelings and give the impression of being in control, but this is not good. You will have to learn to release your inner pressures without fear and to freely show your preferences. You probably are not sure of exhibiting your emotions. |
Saturn in house 9
You have a cautious and conservative vision of life. You are careful and achieve everything in your life with preparation and hard work. You have a systematic approach to problems and seek practical solutions. You can become a little structured in your way of thinking and could be successful in sciences and mathematics. With this astrological position you would also be a good teacher, scientist or metaphysician. Although you may have a desire for long trips and foreign countries, you may have difficulties and delays achieving them. Your greatest frustration will be that of not reaching the academic level you long for or that of not being able to visit distant lands that you yearn for. |
Saturn harmoniously aspects Neptune Orb 4° 56'
You tend to have a strong and positive sense of ethics and morals. Because your sense of self-preservation is strong, you always protect your own interests. Your imagination and inspiration will be expressed in an organized, methodical and practical way. You have a strong feeling of reality and your philosophy of life is based on discipline. You are likely to develop strong spiritual and religious principles throughout your life. |
Saturn Conjunct Pluto Orb 3° 35'
You are ambitious for power and status. You are strong-willed and persistent in your efforts to achieve your goals. You can be manipulative; you understand others intuitively and can use them for your own benefit. Effective in all you undertake, you gain respect and admiration easily. You are secretive about your plans, and if you retreat into yourself too much, you could become obsessive and fanatical. It is important that you learn to become flexible with life's changes instead of resisting them. |
Described below are some possible sources of income. They may coincide, or not relate at all to your professional vocation. |
Finances: Pisces in house 2
You tend to be a bit careless in managing your finances. This could lead to contradictory situations; earnings and losses, deceits or frauds. You have to learn to be alert, not to rely too much on your employers or associates, and to manage your belongings more consciously and organized. You will have to control your detached attitude and very generous respect of money. You could earn money offering different specific services, especially those related to medicine, chemistry, hidden sciences, or working in institutions such as hospitals, asylums etc. You can always count on the help of people around you who will offer support and relief. Try to avoid excessive dependence on others and learn to live on your own means. |
Ruler of house 2 in 11
Your income is closely linked with those of friends, your relationships, or to activities that you perform in certain social groups. You are likely to have influential friends who will help you to improve your income. There is a possibility of earning money through administrative or political positions in social organizations. |
Work in relation to your employment:
Cancer in house 6
Your work in relationship to your employment will be expressed by your sensibility, intuition and ability to understand the needs of others. Though you are very restless and continuously seek changes, in your occupational area you have a need for security and continuity. If there are no other challenging astrological aspects, you will have an affectionate and warm atmosphere among your co-workers. There is a possibility of working with your parents or in some family business at some time in your life. |
Hobbies are also part of our personality and through them, we express to a great extent our creative ability. It is important to enjoy our leisure activities and to complement them with our work or profession to reach greater balance. In our culture, we tend to place importance only on that which brings us money, thereby neglecting the expression of important parts of our personality. |
Your creativity: Gemini in house 5
Your favorite recreational activities will be those that stimulate your communication, intelligence, curiosity and exchange of ideas. You are interested in reading, studying, listening to music, participating in groups with mutual interests, learning languages and you also enjoy practicing some type of sport or physical activity that helps you to discharge tensions accumulated during the day. Your creativity is stimulated by verbal discussions, solving crossword puzzles or riddles and taking trips. Don't neglect your physical activities, as you need to balance your mental energy with the physical. |
Scorpio - Sagittarius in 10
Your destiny will impel you to travel abroad and come to know many different people and places. Freedom is the key to your success. You look for work situations with no set schedules, and without responsibilities that could restrict you, but they will not always be easy to find. You could excel in activities that require physical strength such as sports or in important positions of authority. You are attracted to metals and their industrial use. Most likely you will not have just one profession in your life, but will change with the times. Whenever you first start a job, you will be more than pleased with it, and put all your energy into it, but eventually will feel burdened by the routine and will search for innovations and changes. During the second part of your life you are likely to make a big transition and will probably reside in another country or will travel a lot. Your career choice could be one of the following professions, or a combination of some of them: civil engineer, mechanic, electronic engineer, sportsman, investigator, travel agent, trainer, physical education teacher, athlete, import-export trade, judge, attorney or any other profession where you could use your physical strength and also where you could be independent. |
Jupiter in house 10
You are likely to have a lot of professional success, and many opportunities to advance and grow. Because of your leadership ability, honesty, and trust in yourself, you could excel in politics, the law, sales in general or reach a high position in a corporation. You have a deep sense of justice and morality. You are proud, materialistic and very ambitious, and will receive recognitions at an early age. Your professional work will be extensive and you will feel fulfilled in the future. This astrological position brings luck to advance in life. |
Uranus in house 10
Your professional career will not be typical or stable, and you may experience many professional changes, though your interest will always be in society as a whole, or possibly in astrology and occult sciences. You are a visionary and will be able to share your ideas with others and become a leader, although you may find some oppositions and disagreements with your original and unusual thoughts. You are likely to make productive contributions to your profession because of your futuristic vision and could excel in intellectual occupations, social movements, or scientific activities. |
Ruler of house 10 in 9
Your professional success is related to your ideals, university degree, higher studies, religion and traveling. You may establish yourself professionally in a different place than that of your birth or your work could necessitate you to travel often. You always feel the need to expand your knowledge and to make the most of each day. |
Each of us is born with a unique talent, and our function in life is to express it. Following are descriptions of the principal astrological influences that form your unique abilities. Although some probable professions are listed, your true vocation is a combination of all these elements. After reading these paragraphs, reflect on them and let your intuition help you to find your own synthesis. |
Your individuality: Sun in Virgo
You were born to study, it develop your intelligence, to organize, to solve problems, to put in order, and mainly, to serve. One of your missions is to see that those around you discover and develop their potential. Your ability to analyze and see the details will teach others to be more penetrating and perfective. You were born to heal, to alleviate and solve material problems as well as those involving health. Professions ruled by Virgo: chemical, biochemical, investigating, medical, nutritional, animal breeder, and all subordinate employment or occupations related to sanatation. |
Your personality: Ascendant in Aquarius
The profession you choose will have to stimulate your curiosity and creativity, and your desire to increase your knowledge a little more each day. Avoid routine, conventional, boring, solitary projects or those that limit your personal freedom. |
Your emotional needs: Moon in Libra
Your job will have to satisfy your emotional need to please and to be accepted. You need to be in touch with people and to find that your presence provides peace, harmony and a solution to conflicts between two or more parties. You also need to express your creativity and your good taste in beauty and art. |
Your vocation: Scorpio - Sagittarius in 10
Your career choice could be on of the following professions, or a combination of some of them: civil engineer, mechanic, electronic engineer, sportsman, investigator, travel agent, trainer, physical education teacher, athlete, import-export trade, judge, attorney etc., or any other profession where you could use your physical strength and also where you could be independent. You will be successful thanks to your originality and creativity. |
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