"We are not in a position in which we have nothing to work with. We already have capacities, talents, direction, missions, callings." --Abraham Maslow
Greetings for the day!!
Square aspect is called a HARD aspect ,because it teaches us about ourselves and our mission but in a HARD way.In order to get full advantage of this HARD ,but character -building aspect,we need to do some HARD work.
Today I want to discuss about some ways by which we can take advantage of this powerful aspect.
1.Nurture your creativity-get involved in activities by which you can "shine".Artistic activities( drama,dance,teaching,leadership) -anything to do with your self,projecting yourself.Become more self expressive.
2.Become more social,go out,have some child-like fun once in a while.Loose the "seriously-trying-too-hard" side of your personality.Share things(ideas,work-load,food,happiness,fun) with others,including spouse.
3.If you have some positive talents or skills -don't let it go waste( by procrastination/insecurities/fear of criticism).Please nurture it, although you are going to need a considerable hard work and positive out look to carry on.Sit in quite place and think about your so far wasted talents.
4.You have a strong impact on people-use it positively.Don't scare people off by being too "bossy".
5.Always respect authority-figures( father,boss,elders),Sincerely.Try to learn from their experience.
6.Be gentle when dealing with spouse,or society in general.Don't fake it!!
7.Try to depend on your best and positive judgement.You don't need to win everybody's approval every time-if you must do it ,do it modestly.
8.Never nurture the feeling of insecurity,lack of confidence,uncertainty.People are not aggressive towards you!!Your perceptions needs to be adjusted.Trust me!
9.Use your energy constructively-never overwork,use cat naps,go for a swim,dance etc.
10.Avoid over spending-you don't need to look "impressive" every time. Let your sincerity impress people.
a. Evaluate you expectation(from yourself and others)once in a two days.
b.Sorry to say,You are not always correct.
Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong.-Peter McIntyre
c.don't let your ego,selfish-ness,pride/willfulness work against you or others.
d.don't let your internal conflict side-track you from your goal,which has to be healthy,positive and growth-oriented.
e.Pain is a good motivator-welcome frustration.Digest it.make a deal with your internal conflict.
f.change your attitude( be more open and accepting,compromising)accept the challenges which are thrown at you by the life,turn those in to an opportunity (by stepping away from ego,use some positivity). Commit that you will never quit.
g.give me feed back!!
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